The Search

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The next morning I had come up with a plan to find my sister. 

I went to breakfast and ate quietly, much like I did every morning.  I then excused myself and hurried to my room, locking the door behind me. 

I quickly slipped on a black shirt and and sweats.  Then, I held my breath in anticipation and tried to summon snow. 

After one.  Two.  Three tries, and three fails, I was ready to give up.  But then I remembered the last time Anna had seen me. 

I had tried to kill her.  And I was not going to make that her last memory of me. 

Strengthening my resolve, I tried once more, and this time, a snowflake burst from my hamd.  I did a miniature victory dance before summoning snow, creating a cloud for me to float on. 

I sat down on the cloud, sighing when my hands came in contact with the coolness of my transportation. 

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, thinking only one thought.  Forward. 

With a great lurch that almost pitched me off, the cloud began to move. 

Out the window and into the brisk air of the North Pole.  Once outside, I let out a whoop of joy.  It felt amazing to be back outside. 

Even though I wanted to stay outside and play in the snow, maybe build a snowman, I restrained myself and manuvered the cloud to look at the windows peaking out of a mountain. 

And so I began.  I steered the cloud past so many windows I lost count.  I was almost ready to turn back for dinner when a flash of strawberry blonde caught my eye. 

"Anna."  I breathed.  Without a second thought, I took off towards the window.  Towards Anna. 

I managed to stop myself mere inches from the window, silently cursing myself for my foolishness.  Stupid.  You don't even know for sure if that's Anna. 

Even though doubtful thoughts crossed my mind, I'd never felt so sure that I was right.  Anna was in that room. 

After quickly making sure that I was out of sight from all other windows, I leaned forward and lightly rapped once on the window. 

I barely had time to pull my hand away from the window before it was flung open, a head with two strawberry blonde braids poking out of the window. 

Deciding that I probably shouldn't talk to Anna incase she freaked out and fell out of the window, I carefully summoned a snowflake.  I used my powers to guide it gently towards Anna, letting it flit in front of her eyes before bursting into little sparkles. 

Anna's eyes widened in wonder and excitement.  "Elsa?"  She whispered. 

I smiled, and sent another snowflake towards her. 

"It is you."  She said it as of there was absolutely no doubt whatsoever. 

I floated my cloud in front of Anna, ready to catch her if she fell.  I put a finger to my lips, warning her to be quiet. 

Anna nodded in understanding, backed away, and I floated through the window. 

Once inside, Anna grabbed me around the waist and me into a hug. 

"I didn't know what happened."  Anna whispered, and that was when I realized she was crying. 

"I'm sorry.  I didn't remember then."  I said, pulling away, "But I remeber now."  I assured her. 

"Are you sure you remember everything?"  She asked, searching my face. 

"I've never been more sure about anything."  I replied.

Ann hugged me again.  "I missed you, Elsa."  She whispered. 

I'm going to apologize right now for not updating sooner.  You probably think that I've given up on this story, but I promise you I haven't

In other news, I went and saw the Fantastic Beasts movie!  I loved it! 

Also, I'm going to try updating once a week so I'll have more time to write.  Is that okay with you guys?

Thank you so much for reading!

I don't think I've ever thanked everyone who has voted.  So thanks for that! 

It's nice to know you guys enjoy what I do!

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