Chapter 23

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Loriane POV

Two monsters were found at the school attacking the students and teachers.

Misaki, Aliyah and I went to an area to transform while Antonio went for his sword in the garden where he hid it.

"They look dangerous" Aliyah started shaking.

"Come on it's 4 against two" Misaki smiled.

Brittany showed up with a large amount of water following her attacking one of the monsters.

"Loriane it's your chance" Misaki patted me on my shoulder.

I ran in front of the monster Brittany attacking. I was attacking it with lighting bolts and blocking it's attacks.

"Out of all the people you had to show up" Brittany said angrily.


She blocked me with a wall of ice.
I looked over Misaki, Antonio and Aliyah attacking the other monster.

Misaki winked at me.

Ok I'll try....

"Brittany I'm sorry I killed your brother"

She started attacking the monster harder.

"Look around you if you're brother continued to live he would of killed a lot of innocent people like this monster"

She froze.

"Brittany!" I ran in front of her blocking the monsters attacks.

"We are going to have work together"

She nodded.

"Hey Brittany remember in class miss told us water is a good conductor of lighting" I smiled.

"Yea how is that going... oh I forgot you control lightning" she smiled nervously.

Brittany surrounded the monster with water around him.

"Now!" she shouted as me.

"My pleasure" I smiled.

I placed my hands in the water. Lightning bolts started traveling in the water going in the direction of the monster. The monster started slowly dying.


Brittany came running to me giving me a hug.

"That was awesome" she smiled.

Her smile faded away.

"You were right..."

"It's ok" we smiled together.


I had a good conversation with Brittany. We kept laughing and smiling then found ourselves in front of Misaki, Aliyah and Antonio.

"Friends?" Aliyah looked at us.

"I guess..." Brittany smiled.

"See I told you that it would work" Misaki smiled.

"What did you actually told me?"

"Talk to her!" she smiled.

"That's not really a plan" Antonio scratching his head.

"It worked" Misaki winked.

"Don't feel special" Aliyah gave Misaki the death glare.

Misaki was on the floor in despair.

"Misaki I apologize on my sister's behalf" Antonio said grabbing one of Aliyah's pigtails.

"It's ok" Misaki pretending to cry.
Brittany smiled at us.

"You guys are so weird"

"I prefer unique" Misaki smiled.

Brittany smile faded away.

"It's amazing you guys act like this with knowing you are participating in this dangerous activity"

"It calms us down" Antonio smiled.

Friendship over comes everything...

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