Special Chapter 2

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Hiyori POV

My husband became really sick.

"Honey I'll get you tea" I held his hand.

"Thanks" he smiled weakly.

Misaki my 4 year old daughter stared at him while he was coughing.

"Daddy are you going to die?" she spoke softly.

I froze.

"Come here" he smiled placing her on his lap.

"I'll always be here" he pointed at her heart.

He took up her teddy bear he gave her when she was born.

"Mr. Teddy will always protect you" he smiled softly.

I started crying.

He's talking like he won't-

He slowly closed his eyes and loosen his grasp on Misaki.

"Daddy?" she shook him.

"Daddy?!" she shook him harder.

"Misaki stop" I spoke softly wiping her tears.

"Daddy's gone" she cried harder.

"Misaki...." I started crying.

I hugged her.

"I'll always be there for you" I hugged her tighter.

"Mommy..." she spoke softly.


3 years later....

I married a very successful man in the business world.

Misaki smiling playing with the flowers.

"A weird kid joined our family what a weirdo" her new cousins glared at her.

She stopped playing holding her chest tightly.

"Don't say that!" I held her hand protecting her from them.

"Don't shout at my family Hiyori" my new husband said in a serious tone.

"I'm sorry" I spoke softly.

"You better be" one of his family members glared at me.

"I'm sorry mommy" Misaki started crying.

"Misaki it isn't your-"

"Of course it is she is going to be representing this family in the future!" another family member shouted.

"She's a stupid and ill child"

Misaki held her teddy bear tighter.

"I want daddy" she spoke softly.

I froze as they kept insulting Misaki.

I couldn't do anything....


I drank a lot of alcohol over my depression of losing my past husband.

I did many terrible things to Misaki while I was drunk.

I got arrested a few months later when my brother found out.

"Mommy!" Misaki kept screaming my name.

"You are a disappointment to me..." I said with thinking.

She fell to her knees crying harder.

I was a terrible mother.....

10 years later....

I smiled softly as I entered the airport in Jamaica.

I'll see her again.....


T^T feels.....

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