Chapter 2

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Rose POV
30 minutes have gone past since the 'incident' with the mailman and right now I'm sitting in the corner on the floor and I just can't shake this feeling I have about someone watching me. I mean how else would he have my name? I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I didn't hear my dad and his team walk in through the door.
Steves POV
We walked in to the office and I couldn't see Rose. I scanned the hole room until I saw her in the corner in my office. Why is she there? She looks scared.
Rose POV
I closed my eyes hoping this was just some weird prank or something. I pulled my legs up against my chest and placed my head between my knees. Suddenly I felt a hand at my arm and I shot right up and twisted it behind his/hers back. "Whoa, it's just me Rose." Dad, was he back already? I let go of his arm and sat down on the ground again. He sits next to me. "So.. Why are we sitting on the floor?" "Because it's much nicer then the chairs." "Rose...?" "Fine, I'm scared." I whispered. "I'm sorry what?" "I said, I'm scared." "Scared? For what?" "A guy." "A guy named..?" "I don't know his name but he knows mine and he's just a mailman and I have never seen him before!" "When was he here?" "An half hour ago."
Steve POV
"Stay here, sweetie." "Yeah." I got up from the floor and walked out of my office. I saw my team stand around the computers and I slowly started to approach them. "Hey Kono, get the security footage from half an hour ago here in the palace." "Um..Okay, Why?" "Just do it."  She got the feed up and you could see a girl walk backwards and suddenly a guy wearing a mailman outfit comes in vision.
The footage:
"Can I help you?" Rose said. "Eh.. yea I'm looking for a Steve McGarrett?" The mysterious guy said. "Oh he's not here but I can take it." Rose answered. "And you are..?" The guy asked. "Im his daughter." Rose said. "Okay, you need to sign here and here." The guy said and looked up at her. You could see him walk towards the door but turn right before he got out of the door and said: "See you another time, Rose." And then he left.

So.. now the team knows about this mystery guy. Sorry to leave it at a sort of cliffhanger. I hope someone actually likes this book. Because I think it's good but that's just me. Anyway hope you like it and bye!😉

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