Chapter 7

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Steve's POV
The doctor had walked out here five minutes ago and she had already destroyed a small bit of my life. Danny may die. "I'm sorry. I don't think that I get what you're saying." I said as i didn't want to believe it. He's my best friend god damnit! "The detective was shot in the chest, and the bullet travelled to his lung and tore a hole in it. This makes his lung useless as he can't breathe with it. I'm sorry but if he don't get a lung in the next 48 hours he'll die." I felt a little hand grasp mine and looked down to my little girl. She had tears in her eyes so I hugged her and we cried in each others embrace. "Kono, I need to call Rachel and let her know what's going on. Can you take Rose for a while?" She smiled. "Of course." I walked away from the group and pulled out my phone. "Hello?" She answered in her British voice. "Rachel...?" "Commander, what do you want? I need to pick up Grace since I got a call Danny hadn't shown up." A tear ran down my face as I could imagine the look on her face when Grace found out her dad might die. "That is why I am calling Rachel." "What has happened this time?" I could hear she was getting annoyed so I just said it. "Danny's been shot and it's bad." I could hear her drop her purse and Grace happy scream wich came to a stop as I imagine she saw her moms face in the background. "I'm coming." She hung up.
Rose's POV
I sat next to uncle Danny, holding his hand as dad walked in. "This is my fault right?" I asked while a few more tears ran down my face. My dad squat down next to me and wiped the tears away. "No, it's not. Why would you think that?" I looked down at the memory. "I heard mom talking when she shot Danny." "Hey listen to me, this is not your fault. Your mom has some problems and we are gonna get her help." I looked up at dad. "But if she had never gotten pregnant with me this wouldn't have happened." I said while nodding to Danny. "So you're saying it's my fault?" Dad asked. I looked up at him with confusion written all over my face. "No,no why would you think that?" "Because with out me, your mom wouldn't have gotten pregnant with you." Oh yeah, I hadn't thought about that. "I didn't mean it like that." I looked at him and before he could say anything I opened my mouth again. "But what happens if uncle Danny dies dad?"
Steve's POV
"But what happens if uncle Danny dies dad." I looked down as a tear made it's way down my face. I really didn't want to think about that. Especially since he is my best friend wich I have starting to get feelings for. I looked up again and smiled sadly against my daughter. "He's not going to die sweetie, he's been through much difficult things than this." She looked at Danny and then back to me. "Really?" I nodded. "Like what?" I closed my eyes at the memory. "Well for starters he was exposed to sarin and was hours away from dying." I watched as surprise came on Rose face. "I just hope hope he gets a new lung, before he... you know." She looked to Danny again and I looked out the window. Damn, the sun is coming up. Only 24 hours left...

Hello again! I hope that the people that reads this book like it. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger again. I hope that I will get the next chapter up soon so that you won't have to wait so long but I have a lot in school and I'm moving right now so I don't really have the time but I'll try. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Bye! 🎉👋🏼💕

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