Chapter 13

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Steve's POV
Me and Danny were in Danny's car as Chin and Kono was in Chin's car. We hoped out of our cars when we got there. We walked to the alley that Davies had said he found Rose's things. We wore our wests and I held my gun up high. We searched all over but there was noting there. "God dammit!" I screamed and kicked a nearby dumpster. "Steve! Calm down!" Danny said. "Calm down?! How the hell am I gonna calm down when my 13 year old daughter is on this island somewhere probably terrified and moving towards a certain death, Danny!" Then I broke down. I slid down the wall behind me and started crying. Danny came next to me and hugged me. "Shh. It's gonna be fine. We will find her, Steve. We will find Rose. I promise." After awhile of crying we walked back to the car and drove to the palace. As soon as we walked in to our HQ, I walked in too my office and laid down on the couch and closed my eyes for a minute. That minute turning out too be an hour. That hour turning out too be two hours. When Danny shook me awake I had slept for like four hours. "What?" I asked, pissed and tired. "A girls body has been washed up on the shore." Danny spoke, calm and sadness in his voice. "Her description matches Rose." He said and put a hand on my shoulder. I just stared out in too the open. My baby can't be dead. Not now. She has so much to live for. She's only 13. Her birthday is in a few weeks. She always looked forward too be 14. I felt something drop on too my pants and I realised that I'm crying. "Hey, we don't know if it's Rose, babe. For all we know it can be someone else." I placed my hand on top of Danny's hand and squeezed it. "Thanks, Danny. Really. Thank you for being her for me." He smiled. "Of course, that's what best friends are for."
Rose's POV
Ever since I found the gun I have been waiting for the right time to strike. Being Steve McGarrett's daughter gives you some privileges. One of those being that he teaches you to shoot a gun and a bit of hand to hand combat. From what I had gathered today was the best day to strike since two of the three would usually go out somewhere and leave one person here too look after me. After I hade made sure that they were gone I started to bang on the door, really loud and I didn't stop until he came up. "Oh my god! What the hell-" I cut him off as he opens the door and I kick him in the chest. While he stumbled backwards I take threat as my advantage and try to run past him. But he recovers fast and pull me back using my leg. I hit my head on the wall and I could already feel he warm sticky liquid run down my forehead. I punch him in his nose and feel satisfied with my self as I hear it break. While he checks his nose I don't waste a second and pull out the gun and shoot him. One time, two times, three times in the chest. As he falls backwards I hear the door open and I curse to my self. I quickly slip in to the door behind me which turns out to be a bathroom. I can hear him walk by the door and I hold my breath, not daring to breath in case he would hear me. But, just to my luck, he opened the door and saw me. I quickly kicked him in the shin but he seemed unfazed and punched me in the face making my face turn to the right and I dropped the gun. While he walked closer to me, I kicked him right in the stomach which made him stumble backwards but also taking the gun with him. I walked forward to try get the gun but it didn't work when he attacked me again. I fell to the floor with him on top of me and while he put his hands around my neck, cutting off my air as I fumbled for the gun. Once I got it I placed it right at his chest and pulled the trigger two times. He collapsed on top of me and I just laid there, catching my breath while he bled out all over me. I pushed him off of me after awhile and stood up, noticing that I was covered in blood. I ran out of that house and then I just ran and ran until I could see the palace. The people around me gave me weird looks and the people who realised that I was covered in blood, I mean I was just wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts so the blood was kinda visible, and still held a gun started screaming but I didn't care. I just ran and ran, I ran past the security guards and up the stairs to where I knew that my dad was. I saw them all standing around the computer, back facing the door. I walked in feeling exhausted from running all those miles. "Daddy." I whispered seeing him turn around right before I could feel my legs giving out and I dropped the gun, and my vision turned black.

Hi! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in like forever but I hope you like this chapter and please leave a vote or a common if you like this chapter and I'll try and get another chapter up soon. Peace out ✌🏻💕🙌🏽

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