Chapter 15 - epilouge

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Quick authors note: I know that this story doesn't have that many parts but I really don't know where this story is going anymore so I'm thinking that I'm gonna end this with an epilogue that I hope that you're gonna like. I hope you like this!
Rose's POV - 6 years after the kidnapping
I sat with my boyfriend of 3 years, Max, at the front of the church. Pretty much everyone that had in some point in their life encountered Dad, or uncle Danny, was seated in the small church. You see, 3 years ago, around the same time me and Max started going out, Dad and uncle Danny figured out that they liked each other more than friends. So here we are at their wedding that's about to start and I'm doing better - well I still have nightmares and I'm still afraid to be alone for long periods of time but I'm getting better. Getting kidnapped when you were thirteen scars you a lot for the rest of your life so even though I'm nineteen now, soon turning twenty, it still haunts me sometimes. Max, my boyfriend who's two years older than me is turning twenty - two a few months after I turn twenty. Max of course knows everything that happened to me - Dad wouldn't let me date him if he didn't know - but he's been amazing throughout everything. The music starts and we all stand up and Max takes a hold of my hand and I smile towards him. By the end of the day Dad and uncle Danny are married so I guess I gotta start calling uncle Danny, pops? Or dad Danny? I don't know. As they travel around the world for their honeymoon Dad and Danny made Max promise that I would live with him and that he would call if something happens to me. Even though all that horrible stuff happened to me six years ago, I think my life is as good as it's ever gonna be.
Rose's POV - 9 years after the kidnapping
Okay, so remember when I said that my life couldn't get any better at Dad and Danny's wedding? Well I was wrong. It got a lot better the second Max got down on one knee and said - " Rose, we've been together for six years now and it's been the best six years of my life. I know that you always think that I would be better of with someone who's not as 'damaged' as you think you are but truth is that you're perfect the way you are and I wouldn't want you to be any other way. That's why I want to spend the rest of my years with you and I'm hoping that you will agree so that I won't look like a fool in front of all these wonderful people." We were in a restaurant by the way. And I of course said yes. I told Dad and Pops (Danny) two days later and they were really happy for me. They thought that Max was a real gentleman and they had seen first hand how good he was with my flashbacks and panic attacks that had gotten lesser and lesser since I started my relationship with Max. Our wedding was small, only friends and family. When you think about it wasn't that small, Max had a big family and my family consists of a lot of people who aren't blood related but we still call family, or ohana. The feelings I got when I was officially married were one of the best feelings I had ever felt. Seriously, life cannot get better than right now.
Rose's POV - 12 years after the kidnapping
Okay, I gotta stop saying that. Of course my life got even better the day I found out that I was pregnant, with twins. One girl and one boy. We named the boy John in memory of my grandfather and we named the girl Mae, in memory of Danny's brother, Matt. Me and Max had moved into a house really close to the beach when we had the twins so that they could grow up close to the water. I don't think that I can handle it if my life got even better after this.
Rose's POV - 20 years after the kidnapping
Of course that one moment that I actually want my life to get better, it doesn't. Dad and Pops (Danny) had been on a romantic date when they were driving home and got into an accident which they did not survive. Later on though we found out that it wasn't really an accident, some criminal that had it out for Dad and Pops had knowingly driven his car into theirs, killing them. The criminal is dead too by the way. Their funerals were the hardest moment in my life. My children only got to have their grandparents for eight years of their lives. I still don't know why the universe felt like they needed to punish me, but I guess it's because all of the good things that has happened to me. I really hope life gets better soon.
Rose's POV- 50 years after the kidnapping
Okay, I know I'm only sixty - three but here I am, lying on my death bed, ready to leave behind my husband of forty - one years and my little children, of course they're not little anymore, they're thirty - eight and have their own families. Ever since my Dad and Pops died I've seemed to only get bad luck. I was diagnosed with cancer a few years back but was cleared, until it came back, of course. So here I am, dying of ovarian cancer. I never thought anything of this would happen to me, the little girl who got kidnapped 50 years ago, the little girl who every news station talked about but doesn't even remember me now. I held my Max's hand as I drew my last breath and told my family how much I loved them and that everything was gonna be okay because I was not afraid of dying, I was just afraid of leaving everyone behind. But, it was okay, I was gonna reunite with my Dad and Pops (Danny). Maybe after life would get better?
Rose's POV - 10 years after her death
Okay, technically I'm seventy- three now but in heaven you don't really age. Max joined me up here last year after he died in a hit and run, ironic right? Well, me, him, Dad and Pops (Danny) currently live in the same house and even though we're not alive I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm still dreading the day our children joins us up here if they got here way to early but I still miss them. Even though my life had some big up and some really big downs I still wouldn't trade it for anyone's life. It all turned out great in the end. Maybe life got better after all?

Hey, hi, hello! I can't believe this book is actually over, this was like my second book i think? Anyways, I hope you liked this different chapter! I know that some things may not match up but I did the best I could. Please tell me what you think of this and I might, just might,don't get you hopes up to high, return with some bonus chapters, like small glimpses of how Max and Rose lived their lives. Hope you all have an amazing time and that I'll see you over at my other books sometime! Peace! 🌸😭😘❤️

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