Moving on

547 21 1

Fono p.o.v

I woke up again, to my despair. I looked around the room and saw Robyn in the seat sleeping in Sehuns arms. A deep sigh left my mouth as I still felt guilty about not remembering her. I couldn't imagine how much pain I caused her when I said asked who she was.

A sound from outside my door made me gaze focus there. "it seems she's hullacinating, there is no way Candy would be able to get a job here let alone as a nurse" a familiar voice said. "Well that's what she said, you should have seen her, she was so scared" it was Marks voice. The voices got louder as they got closer. I quickly lay down and pretended to be asleep so I could tune in to what they were saying.

The doors opened then but it was silent. A deep sigh left from Mark. "I feel bad Kai, how am I supposed to feel okay with this?" Mark said with hurt in his voice. "Your asking someone who has screwed this girl up,  I'm probably not the best person to talk to about this" Kai said, another deep sigh left Mark.

I groaned in pain, my head was hurting so much and before i knew jt flashbacks of what i went through all came flooding back. I screamed, clutching my head while Robyn and Sehun jad awoken from my sudden screams. Robyn getting up and holding me and saying calm words to me. I blacked out afterwards.

I woke up again but feeling the warmth of someone else against me.  I was against the  railing of the hospital bed and arms engulfed me. One arm under my head the other around me waist and someone's head resting ontop of mine. I tried to see who it was without waking them however a whiff of their scent and i knew who it was......Suho.

I laied back down relaxed knowing it was him. I relaxed in his arms and snuggled closer to him and wrapped my arms around him pulling myself closer to his body. At this point i forgot about Mark i just focused on Suho and this moment. I realized the love i still had for him still lingers there despite complications.

I missed the scent of his perfume and the hugs he would give me. At this moment i missed everything about him despite him being here with me right now. His steady heartbeat slowly put me to sleep again. And like that i fell asleep in Suhos arms.

Robyn  p.o.v

Sehun took me home after Fono was stable again. This whole situation was making me stressed. I mean Kris and Fono are in hospital and i can only visit Fono because i dont want Sehun getting upset if i visit Kris. Although deep inside i yern to see if he's okay but i have to think of Sehun first.

Sehun had already left and i was left alone. I went up and had a shower to try distract myself from everything. I felt refreshedand clean afterwards. I went into my room and decided to look at old photo albums. I saw pictures of all of us while we were all still happy.  When none of us were in danger. Justa bunch of high school kids running around the campus enjoying our time.

Its strange how things change so fast. I mean it felt like yesterday when Fono literally had beaten up Tao. Now she can barely walk because she's so weak. And the fact that there are people still after her makes me worried about her well being.

I got to the page of pictures of me and Kris. There was a picture of me and him smiling together.  I tried to remember when we took this picture. The flashback hit me.

"Hey Kris" i said "yeah?" He said looking at me.  We were at the park on swings. I pulled out my camera and took a picture of him swinging on the swing. He looked at me when he heard the snap of the camera. He smiled at me and chuckled. He stopped the swing and got off beckoning me to give him the camera. I passed him the camera and he squatted down to my height and snapped a picture of me laughing at how he had bent down just to match my height. "You can keep that photo now and when you miss me you can look at it" he said kissing me on the cheek and hopping back onto tje swing again. I chuckled and watched on as he kept swinging like a happy child.

I smiled when i remembered that. I looked at the picture for a while before i moved on to look at other photos we had. I picked up one of him where he was eating ice cream.

"This ice cream is so good" i said admiring the taste.  Kris chuckled, "its chocolate of course its going to taste good" he said licking his ice cream. I rolled my eyes and contined eating my ice cream. I took out my phone and was scrolling down my news feed on instagram. "Hey Robyn" i hear Kris say. I look over and a bright flash hits my eyes. I blinked and Kris laughed. He had my camera. He showed me the picture and i had ice cream all over my mouth.  I looked at him "delete it" i said chuckling. "Im sorry i can't take you seriously with chocolate all over your mouth like  that" he said laughing even more. He stopped laughing after a while and leaned towards me using his thumb to get rid of the chocolate ice cream off my lips. I stared into his eyes and he stared in to mine and before i knew it he leaned in. Our lips collided and before we knew it we were out of breath chuckling.

Not going to lie. That memory is my favorite memory of me and Kris. It was sweer but memorable. I continued to look through the album and there were times where i would chuckle tp myself as i remembered those times and where they took place. I just hope things fall into place and things get better.....



Word count: 1078

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