Chapter Thirteen

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In Gray's studio, he was sitting down at his laptop ready to begin his sleepless night of working. Gray then thought that while he worked on new music, he could listen to Hoody's CD. When he looked beside the laptop, he was confused to see that it wasn't there and immediately started to search the room.

"Ugh! Where did it go? I definitely remember seeing it next to the laptop..." Gray thought aloud to himself. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Simon then came in to check on how he was doing, or simply because he was bored and wanted to hangout with someone.

"Aye, wassup Gray!" Simon greeted when he entered the room. Gray stopped what he was doing for a second and greeted the CEO back.

"O-oh, hey Simon hyung...nothing much," Gray answeres while scratching the back of his head. Simon nodded then asked how the new music was going.

"Um, I'm about to start soon but first I gotta check out Hoody's music. Jay hyung told me to listen to her demo," Gray replied and started to search a little bit again. Simon nodded in understanding though he was confused about what Gray was looking for.

"What are you looking for?" Simon curiously asked as he came closer to help.

"I'm trying to find Hoody's CD but I can't seem to find it anywhere," Gray confessed while looking through every nook and cranny of the studio. Gray also mentioned that he last saw it next to his laptop. A few minutes later, the two of them were still searching for the missing CD but it was going nowhere.

"Probably when Hoody comes tomorrow, you can ask her to sing for you," Simon suggested as he tiredly plopped down on the sofa.

"Yeah...maybe I will," Gray said, sitting back down by his laptop.

Now back at Jessi's hotel, it was early in the morning when Jessi was woken up by the sound of the door opening.  Entering the room was her friend who had gone out to buy some coffee and breakfast before going to the airport.

"Uggh! My head hurts. Why did I drink so much last night?" Jessi complained as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"Well, maybe it'll help if you eat," her friend suggested as she handed the singer a breakfast sandwich.

While the two ate, they were talking about what happened last night with Illionaire. Then Jessi mentioned about a dream she had that felt so real.

"I don't why, but I dreamt that Dok2 confessed his feelings to me," Jessi said before taking another bite of the sandwich. Her friend widely smiled at the thought of what happened between Dok2 and Jessi.

"So, what else happened? Did you confess your feelings too?" Her friend asked, waiting for the right time to tell Jessi the truth.

"Yeah, I did, then manager oppa came and picked me up," Jessi replied then got up to throw away her garbage.

"Really? Actually about your dream-

Jessi's friend was about to reveal the truth when Jessi recieved a text from Dok2. After reading the text, Jessi's friend sat her down and explained everything.

"Oh my gosh! We really did confess to each other?" Jessi, in shock, exclaimed. Next, Jessi quickly replied back to Dok2 before getting ready to go to the airport.

The next day at AOMG, Hoody felt excited but a little nervous since today was her first day being at the studio. As she entered the building, she was greeted by some of the guys and the staff. She then became confused when they kept asking if she had found her lost item.

"Lost? I didn't lose anything...I think," Hoody thought in her head but shook the thought away as she saw her boss, Jay. Jay quickly came walking towards her as if he was in a rush.

"Oh, hey! You're here, cool! So anyways, today you'll be working with Gray. By the way, welcome to our AOMG fam," Jay quickly informed Hoody before he had to rush off to his schedule. The young woman nodded her head in understanding.

Soon she made her way to Gray's studio. When she entered, the two of them shyly greeted each other. It was awkward for a moment, but then Gray suggested they get started. 

First off, Gray mentioned that Jay wanted him to check out her demo yesterday but wasn't able to.

"Ah, I see. Um, I can sing for you right now if you want," Hoody told him. She then cleared her throat before singing. After she sang two original songs, Gray complimented on her vocals and soon enough, he was inspired to make a new song with the assistance of Hoody.

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