Chapter Twenty-Five [THE END] Part 1

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The AOMG crew was still at the restaurant finishing up dinner when Gray had excused himself to the restroom. Loco, who sat to the right of Hoody, turned towards her starting a conversation.

"So you and Gray Hyung seem really close now," Loco commented.

"Yeah, we've become really good friends. I'm grateful to him and everyone here," Hoody said before taking a sip of her drink. Loco nodded his head in agreement.

"I think lately, or ever since you came to AOMG, his mood is a lot happier than before, so thanks," Loco smiled.

"Ah- you don't have to thank me, I'm just so honored to be apart of all of this." Hoody, flustered from the comment, waved her hand side to side. Loco laughed realizing the reason why Gray liked her even if he hadn't  said anything.

"Well, all I have to say is he's a good guy that deserves to find happiness," Loco  commented then gave her a wink before  leaving the table to go to the restroom as Gray came back ready to head home.

Friday morning approached as both Jessi and Hoody were awake and having a quick breakfast.

"Girl! I need to update you on my date last night," Jessi exclaimed after taking a sip of her drink.

"So, how was it?" HyunJung asked. While Jessi was in the middle of talking, HyunJung tried to keep focus but Loco's words from last night kept replaying in her mind.

"Hello!? HyunJung, are you even listening?" Jessi waved her hand in front of her spaced out friend's face. Snapping back to reality, HyunJung apologized as she quickly finished eating. "Are you feeling ok?" Jessi asked with a concerned look upon her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine I guess...I'm just tired from yesterday," Hyunjung assured her friend. Jessi nodded her head.  HyunJung  then took a deep breath, deciding to tell her about last night but when she was about to, her manager was already outside waiting for her. "I'll tell you everything when I get home. Promise!" HyunJung said before leaving for work.

In the meantime, Gray had just arrived at his old high school where he and Hoody would do their mini rehearsal. He was then greeted by the class president as she walked along the halls.

"Sunghwa- ssi, you're here! Ok, you can head to the gym now if you want. Everything has been set up for you," the class president informed him before  moving on with her schedule. Gray nodded in understanding as he was now alone in the halls. He then checked his phone for the time and then texted Hoody to make sure she was driving to the correct place. For a moment he found himself starting to reminisce his high school days when he decided to walk around to pass the time and wait for Hoody. 

Meanwhile with Yezi and the other girls including Missha, they were at a cafè having breakfast. They were going over their plan once more for the high school reunion tomorrow night.

"Missha, you know what to do right?" Yezi started to say looking at Missha who sat across from her.

"Yep! I disguise myself as one of the staff and keep track of Gray oppa's date," Missha confidently answered then  received a satisfied nod from Yezi. Next, she asked the girls about their tasks which was to keep Gray distracted until it's time to perform.

"Good!  Now that we know the plan for  tomorrow, we'll meet at the school at 5pm, ok?" Yezi further instructed them  soon after breakfast was done and they carried on having a fun filled day of shopping.

At the mini rehearsal, Hoody arrived at the school, meeting Gray at the front gate. During rehearsal, Hoody made a few mistakes. Still unable to shake off Loco's lingering words, it was making it hard to focus.

"Hey, are you ok? Should we take a little break?" Gray asked out of concern. Hoody nervously laughed and nodded yes. Gray then dismissed the band for a ten minute break. As Hoody sat at the edge of the stage, Gray joined her as well. There was silence for a moment before Gray spoke.

"Wow, being back in this school really  brought back some of my good and painful memories," Gray started to say, making Hoody turn to face him as he chuckled.

"Really? What were you like as a student?" Hoody curiously asked. Suddenly, Gray jumped down from the stage.

"Come on, I'll show you," Gray said as he smiled and held out his hands for her. Without hesitation, Hoody put her trust in him to safely bring her down. Gray only then started the tour.

Within a few minutes, they were able to see most of the school until they stopped at Gray's favorite place in the whole school. He then showed her the music room.

"This here is my sanctuary and where  our music club held practices," Gray informed her as soon as they entered the room.

" Wow! I'm sure you've had lots of girls swoon with your original music?" Hoody said teasingly as she sat down beside him on the piano bench.

"Some girls did, but I've only liked one girl but that was only during high school..." Gray said as he chuckled at her comment. He then  remembered the times he had with Yezi and  he quickly shook the thought away and started playing a song they both knew, "Me, Myself and I," by Beyoncé. Hoody smiled as she sang as he played the piano. After their little duet was over, their eyes locked. Hoody felt it in her heart that she finally understood what Loco meant.

"The girl you said that you you still like her?" Hoody cautiously asked, hoping it not be too personal. Gray thought about it and smiled.

"No, because I've learned to move on and love someone else. Also, I get to see her everyday at the studio," Gray answered in a sly manner thinking she would soon figure it out.

"Could that girl be me?" asked Hoody. She then started to blush as he answered by nodding his head. Their sweet moment ended with a kiss. Next, the couple walked hand and hand back to the gym.

Saturday night came around and it was the day of Gray's high school reunion. At Jessi and HyunJung's apartment, Hoody had just finished getting ready for the party.

"So, how do I look?" Hoody asked as she strode into the living room  to show Jessi.

"Girl, yes! You look gorgeous! Gray will love it," Jessi commented, making her best friend blush.

"Thanks! I still can't believe it...we're going to the reunion as a couple," HyunJung said, taking a spot on the couch next to Jessi.

"I'm so happy for you guys, now we can double date!" Jessi said excitedly at the thought. Hoody's phone suddenly rang and Gray's name was on the screen.

"Hey! I'm here! I'll head up to your apartment now," Gray informed his girlfriend as soon as she answered.

"Okay, see you soon. Bye!" Hoody replied before their call ended. Moments later, Gray had reached the girl's apartment with a wide smile. He was holding a medium sized box behind his back as, with his free hand, he rang the door bell.Jessi then had answered the door.

" Hello, I'm Gray." He introduced himself as he politely bowed to Jessi.

"Ah, ye, I'm Jessi, and HyunJung is inside waiting," Jessi  replied as she opened the door wider so he can enter the apartment.

"HyunJung-ah! Gray is here!" Jessi called out to Hoody who was checking her purse to make sure she had everything.  Hoody then went to greet Gray.

"Wow! You look really beautiful," Gray said, looking stunned the moment his girlfriend came up to him.

"Thank you and you look handsome, too," Hoody shyly smiled and tucked strands of hair behind her ear.  Gray smoothly presented a corsage to his lovely girlfriend. Jessi acted as a photographer by taking pictures of the happy couple.

"Okay, I think you guys should get going now," Jessi suggested as she looked at the time on her cell phone.

"Arasso, I'll text you when I'm coming home," Hoody said as the two best friends hugged before parting.

"Have fun, girl, and you have to tell me how it was later!" Jessi said before the couple left for the party.

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