Chapter Twenty

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A few seconds after Missha had ordered her coffee and was about to take a seat at one of the empty tables, Yezi noticed her in the corner of her eye and insisted that Missha sit with her and her friends.

"Yah! Moon Missha, over here!" Yezi called the young woman over. Missha walked over politely bowing to her seniors.

"Hello! I'm sorry, I can't stay long..." Missha pretended to explain.

"Aww really? I was hoping we could catch up for a little while," Yezi said, pretending to act nice and giving a little pout.

"I really am sorry but-

Missha tried to politely decline the offer and was interrupted when her order was announced. Before Missha could leave, Yezi had to quickly think of something that would make her stay.

"Well, it was nice seeing you. Too bad you won't be at our high school reunion party because Gray oppa and I will be performing a duet together," Yezi lied.

"Re-reunion party?" Missha was shocked when she heard it and turned back to face Yezi who had a little smirk on her face.

"I brought my car, so I can tell you all about it while I drive you home," Yezi offered as she tried to convince Missha to stay. The young woman thought about it for a moment and soon enough, she was sitting in the passenger seat of Yezi's car.

In the meantime with Jessi, she was at the salon getting her hair done before starting her busy schedule. The singer's hair was in the process of dying into a different color, this time it was platinum blonde. While having to sit in the chair for awhile, Jessi was starting to get bored. She decided to go on her phone and check up on all her social media. When she was on Instagram, at the top she saw that Dok2 had updated his story. Curious of what he was doing, she clicked on his icon which played a video of a cute puppy playing with it's toy. Dok2 was calling it's name trying to get the puppy's attention.

"Aww! So cute!" Jessi commented then showed it to the hairdresser. Jessi then DMed the rapper wondering if he was back from his tour. An hour later, she was done with the salon and on her way to the first stop on her schedule. She felt her heart skip a beat when she got a notification from Instagram that Dok2 had replied back.

"Yep I'm back! Just chillin at the crib. If you're free tonight, we can chill and have dinner."

Jessi read it quietly as her face started turning red from blushing. Forgetting that she wasn't alone in the car, her makeup artist, Vivian, observed Jessi's behavior for a moment before starting to tease the singer.  The girls stayed like that throughout the car ride.

Now checking up on Hoody, who was at the studio preparing her set list for the concert. lt would be her first time participating in such a big event since she had just joined the company on their 3rd year anniversary.

"How many songs are we each performing?" Hoody questioned herself as she was on the computer scrolling through all her music files. The room was filled with silence mixed in with the occasional little snippets of her songs. There wasn't anyone but her at Gray's studio, which they shared, who could answer her at the moment.

"Okay, for now I'll just write down  a couple of songs until I know how many songs the guys will do," Hoody thought out loud to herself. After an hour or two of writing down a few songs that she had in mind, she decided to take a minute break. As she felt the tiredness in her eyes from staring at the screen for so long, she went over to the couch to rest awhile. Somehow, when she woke up, she ended up in Gray's car.

"Oh, hey! You're awake!" Gray greeted the girl with his smiling face. Hoody didn't say anything as her eyes squinted in confusion at the unfamiliar surrounding.

"Um...where are we going?" Hoody, who was now fully awake, spoke up.

Gray still paying attention to the road explained everything to her.

"I thought I'd take you home if that's ok with you. I'm sorry for not waking you up sooner, I didn't want to disturb you," Gray sincerely apologized for his actions.  Hoody giggled and told him that it was fine. Next, she directed him to how to get to her apartment. Throughout the car ride, it was very comfortable since they had a lot to talk about.

"Thank you for the ride, Gray-ssi," Hoody said after politely bowing and making sure that she had everything.

"No problem, you can just call me Gray. I'll see you tomorrow at the rehearsal," Gray replied before they parted ways.

Hoody waved goodbye before she slowly disappeared into the building.

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