Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day, in one of the venues for the upcoming AOMG concert, all of the members were present and working hard at the rehearsal. On stage stood Hoody and Gray ready to practice the Summer night remix.

"Are you guys ready?" DJ Wegun asked before putting on the music.  The two nodded their heads giving him the cue to start.

As Hoody waited for her part to come, she tried to concentrate, but hearing Gray and feeling his strong stage presence gave her the vibe of when she first saw him perform at the club. Her train of thought broke when she almost missed the timing to sing her part. Luckily, it wasn't noticeable but they were able to practice once more before it was her turn to sing her own set of songs.

On the other hand, in the car with Yezi and Missha, there was a little awkward silence. It went away when Yezi turned on the radio and the song, "Drive," came on.

"Oh, it's Gray oppa!" Yezi excitedly started to sing along to the radio when Gray's part was on. Missha cleared her throat before initiating the coversation.

"So what are you exactly planning to do  at the reunion?" Missha cautiously asked.

"Well, this Saturday..." Yezi stopped singing as her eyes were still focused on the road, "I want to perform with Gray oppa which will bring back the feelings that we once had and we'll finally be together like we should've been all along."

Yezi explained everything with determination in her voice. When they stopped at a red light, the girls talked more.

"What if he doesn't feel the same way?" Missha asked, not understanding her logic. The light turned green as Yezi was about to answer, she started driving again.

"Tsk, Tsk , tsk. I thought you knew everything about Gray oppa since you've been following him in high school," Yezi  scoffed.

"Hey, that was years ago, but college got in the way now so I can't often go see him," Missha retorted, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, anyway, back to me. I'll need your help to scheme a plan to get me on stage with him," Yezi replied changing back the topic.

"What do I get out of this?" the younger girl questioned her sunbae.

"You get to feature on my album! Which oppa will help produce," Yezi promised.

Missha raised her eyebrow as if she was tempted by the offer.

"That's sweet of you to offer but I'm going to work for AOMG," Missha replied while on her phone.

In a few moments, they reached their destination. Missha directed her sunbae one last time, looking up from what she was doing, to help tell her where to park.

The sun was starting to set as nighttime approached. Jessi, once again in the passenger seat, was heading out to another scheduled event.

"So oppa, what do I have after this?"  Jessi asked her manager whose focus was on driving.

"This is the last thing for today, why? Are you planning  to go on a date with your boyfriend?" Her manager started to tease her and she playfully hit his free arm that rested on the arm rest as they both laughed.

"Oppa, I was just asking what's next after this," the flustered singer tried to reason, though still cracking up. The manager apologized as he chuckled a little finding his joke still funny.

At Dok2's apartment, the rapper was in the living room chilling on the couch, and watching tv while his two dogs played. It was definitely nice and relaxing to always come home after going on tour for so long. And now that promotions have ended, he could have a little break giving him a chance to maybe take his girlfriend out properly. Dok2's train of thought stopped when he felt a pair of paws on his knee. Looking down, he saw his fluffy puppy named Godiva standing on her hind legs.

"Godiva-ah, you want to come up?" Dok2 asked as he chuckled at her cuteness. He then sat up so he could pick her up. Moments after the puppy settled down on the couch, the doorbell rang making the rapper get up to answer it. Before he opened the door, he looked on the screen to see who it was. And sure enough, it was the 1llionaire crew with food and snacks. He didn't expect anyone to come over at this time but didn't mind when the homies came. In the end, they ate and played video games.

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