Chapter Twenty- Two

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Several hours later Gray had just gotten back into his apartment from his busy schedule. Seconds after entering his code and stepping inside, he took off his shoes then slipped on his slippers. He then heard the jingling sound of his dog's collar and little scratching noises the puppy made as it excitedly ran to greet Gray.

"Hey there !" Gray said as he bent down to pet it. A few minutes later, coming out of his room dressed in comfortable clothes, Gray decided to go to the living room to watch tv and relax a bit before going to bed.

"Let's see what's on right now," as he comfortably sat down on the sofa turning on the tv. He flipped through the channels and his eyes widened in surprise as an episode of "Unpretty Rapstars" came on. He saw someone familiar rapping among the other contestants.

"Yezi?" Gray whispered in surprise upon seeing his old high school crush. As he intently watched her performance, it made him remember all of their moments in high school like in the piano room. He would play while unknowingly she would sit beside him until she sang. Gray sadly smiled thinking of those memories. Suddenly, the channel changed, snapping Gray back to reality. Seeing beside him on the couch was his puppy, it was laying on top of the remote with a toy.

"I guess it's time for bed, huh?" Gray said as he picked up the puppy then turned off everything before going to his room.

At Missha's house, Missha was in the kitchen washing the dishes while Yezi  scrolled through photos on her phone while waiting in the living room.

"Oh, I look so cute in that outfit!" Yezi said as she complimented her photo. A minute later, Missha joined her sunbae in the living room as she set down a big bowl of various slices of fruit on the coffee table.

"Here sunbae, have some fruit," Missha offered the older girl before taking a seat on the couch.

"Okay," Yezi looked up from her phone  and set it down on the table before getting some fruit.

"So first I think we should start figuring out how to sneak me into the building," Missha started in between taking bites of her pineapple.

"I can try to arrange for you to come as my guest. I'll call the class president tomorrow," Yezi said knowing where to use her popularity skillfully. Missha agreeably nodded her head.

"I'm great at disguising myself," Missha proudly said.

"Ah, I totally forgot! What if oppa brings a date or something?" Yezi started to worry. Missha pushed the bowl a bit closer to Yezi, insisting to stay calm and have some more.

"Well, we can hold her hostage in the drama club's costume room," Missha suggested.

"Eh... I guess we'll discuss it more tomorrow, plus, I am not trying to go to jail," Yezi said after taking her last bite of the watermelon.

Suddenly, the topic changed to talking about high school memories and their lives now when the high school yearbook was brought out. Countless hours passed as the two girls reminisced their high school days. In the meantime,  they both found out that they had similar interests.

"Whoa, it's almost twelve o'clock, you probably have work tomorrow," Missha said when she checked the time on her phone.

"Actually, I'm free tomorrow. How about you?" Yezi asked. Missha informed her that she didn't have classes until later in the day.

"Great! So is it ok if I stay here tonight?" Yezi asked. Missha said yes and they began their sleepover as friends.

However, back at Dok2's apartment, Dok2 plopped down tiredly on the couch after cleaning up the living room.

"Man, I'm so tired. Aren't you guys tired too?" Yawning, he turned to look towards the dogs. Then his phone on the table started ringing. His eyes widened in surprise to Jessi's name on the screen. He completely forgot that they were suppose to go out tonight. Before answering, he cursed himself in his head.

"Hello? Oppa?" Dok2 heard Jessi say on the line.

"Hey wassup?" The rapper tried to casually greet, not hinting the tiredness in his voice.

"I'm on my way home now since I just got done with my schedule," Dok2 hears his girl tiredly  reply.

"Did you eat dinner?" Dok2 asked while he was thinking of something that he could do for his girlfriend. Jessi told him that she went out to eat Korean BBQ with the staff earlier.

"Oh man! We were supposed to meet tonight right? I'm so sorry, I forgot," Jessi apologized, remembering their conversation on Instagram.

"Nah, it's all good. If you want, we could go out tomorrow night?" Dok2 said then suggested  tomorrow for another opportunity to see each other. Jessi accepted and the two talked a little while longer before Jessi reached the apartment.

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