Episode 5 - Transform

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Here's another chapter.



I walked down the road for what seemed like forever. Eventually I found a fairgrounds. Everything was off and the whole place looked abandoned. I walked through the gate and in a random direction. I walked for a little bit until I came across a faris wheel. I walked over to it and flipped the power on. To my surprise it turned on and started to rotate.

I grabbed a rock and climbed into a car. When the wheel had rotated until I was at the top, I used my new vision to throw the rock and turn off the faris wheel and leave me at the top. I had once heard that if a vampyre jumps from a high enough point, that they can turn into a bat. I thought  that I would try.

I got up and walked over to the edge. I looked down at the ground and felt nothing. No fear no excitement. I was just empty.

I started to move forward before I felt something pierce my back. I turned around to see several people in black suits pointing odd guns at me. All of a sudden I fell. I could move at all, the only thing I could do was watch as the ground got closer and closer. Suddenly, right before I hit the ground, a dark purple light flashed and a pain rippled through my body.

When the light went away I could move. In fact, for some reason I was moving my arms up and down rapidly. I looked over to see that my arms were now in fact, dark black wings. I looked back down at the suits just in time to see a big net wrap around me.

I opened my eyes, breathing heavily. I pushed open the coffin door to see that the windows were blacked out. I smiled at the thought of Dylan doing that for me. I got up and started walking towards Dylan's room. When I got to the door I slowly pushed it open, causing it to squeak quietly. I walked over to the side of his bed that was empty.

I looked at him for a moment. He was actually really cute when he was awake but when he was asleep? It was like looking at a human teddy bear.

"Dylan? I had another one of those dreams. Can I sleep here the rest of the day?" I asked him, causing his eyes to flutter open slightly.

"Sure." He said, patting the empty space on the bed, before he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

I pulled the covers away and laid down on the bed. When I was comfortable I looked over at Dylan. I brought my lips to his forehead and planted a kiss there. "Thank you Dylan. You're very nice."

"That's what everyone tells me." He said in a sleepy voice before he snuggled his head into the crook of my neck and shoulder, causing me to smile as I closed my eyes and fell asleep with my head laying upon his.



"How much longer until he's fully developed into his powers?" Abby asked me from where she sat on her bed.

"I don't know. She didn't say. All she told me was to activate you and that we have protect him until he finds them." I replied.

"And who's them?"

"She didn't say that either. She just said that they will bring him to his full potential."

"And what do we have to protect him from again?"

"Everything." I said before deactivating and reverting back to my small clay figure form called my Hidaken. I watched as Abby grumbled something under her breath before shifting to her Hidaken as well, allowing us both to sleep.

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