Chapter 2: Dark Out

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I jolted up, frantically scanning my surroundings. I blinked in confusion, realizing I was in bed like everything was normal. 'It was a dream...' I thought to myself, clutching my stomach as felt sick. As I was about open my mouth to call softly for Tikki, she miraculously appeared as she explains the whole scenario.

"I know what you're thinking Marinette, it's not a dream."

"It's not?...." my voice drifted away, replaying the scene of Adrien and me quarrelling in my mind. My eyes starting stinging. I glanced away from Tikki, wiping the tears away as fast as I could. I looked at Tikki, shooting her a weak smile, trying to control the sea of my emotions. They were going out uncontrollably, as if they were a typhoon inside of me. "C-continue please, Tikki."

Tikki flew over to me and landed on my chest, her little kwami arms stretching out as far as she can, like a hug. "I'm sorry that Adrien... did that to you. Marinette you don't deserve this."

"Thanks Tikki, for always being there," I gratefully thanked her as she flew away and landed on my bed, right next to me.

Tikki chuckled, "Don't forget Alya. You promised to call her this afternoon."

"I'll do it later, but first I've got to know who I'm in my bedroom!" I exclaimed, gesturing to the bed. "Last I remembered, was me, sleeping on the bench."

"Well, I was trying to wake you up. Unfortunately, my voice caught the attention of a superhero, who happen to knows where you live and here we are," she explained briefly.


I furrowed my eyebrows. Who does she refer to 'super hero?' And that must be odd...  If I should recall, my parents are out of town for 3 days, locking the door to enter our house and our bakery. There was only one replica of the key, which was handed to me. Therefore, how did this 'superhero' knew exactly how to break in unless he knows the secret way through the balcony? But that's impossible because the only person who knew the secret way from the balcony is---

Then it clicked me.

"Chat Noir!" we both said in unison.

I gaped, "Well I better go thank him, shouldn't I?"

Tikki laughed and reminded me to do my homework, which I already finished in the school's library. So the only thing to do is to call Alya. I got out of bed; I walked towards my purse that was settled next to my computer.  I scrolled down to find "Alya" in my contacts, rang her number and waited as I sat down a chair.

As she picked up her phone, Alya blew me down with her voice. Her voice was so loud, my ears started to feel severe goose bumps. Well, she wasn't mad I didn't call her like I was suppose too, disappointed; that's the right word. But she knew if I wasn't committed then something's wrong.

Her voice called out to me from  the phone, filled with enthusiasm, "HEY MARI-"

I cut her sentence, replying with a tone of despair, "Hey Alya..."

There was a silence for quite a while. Typical Alya, I can already tell she is trying to figure out the situation I'm in.

"Adrien, wasn't it?"

I gulped, starting to shift and move uncontrollably and uncomfortably on my chair, I decided to stand up; although it didn't help since I was pacing back and forth, biting my lip as I drown in nervousness. I nodded and slightly whimpered, "Y-yeah, it was Adrien."

"What he do?"

Now I was trembling. Explaining something wasn't really my thing,  and I certainly cannot under this circumstance when I can break down and shed my tears any minute. I still feel traumatic about it. "It's too com.... plicated."

She hung up in an instance. Almost immediately I received a notification that she is coming over, so I prepared myself as I went downstairs to retrieve the door once the doorbell rings. "Stay hidden Tikki," I called to her, the little kwami nodded as I saw her flying figure slowly drifts away.

The doorbell rang. I took another quick glance to make sure I didn't see Tikki flying anywhere, I nodded to myself as I opened the door. Alya came in and hugged me. I hugged her back, feeling the embrace.

"Mari, do you want to tell me?"

I nodded. It won't be fair if I didn't, Alya always shares her experiences, no matter happy or sad, she will always tell me.  She never hides anything from me, because she simply trusts me. I should trust her as well; she is a trust worthy person.


I finally told the whole scenario, and from  Alya's  face.... She didn't look very happy. Even I got goose bumps after looking at her expression. I was trying my best to hold back the tears when I was slowly explaining to her, which luckily didn't come out. But now, I'm trying to calm down Alya to hold back the raging fire bursting out of her. She isn't one tame animal, I tell you. In fact, after being her best friend for quite some time, she's still too unexpected.

"Chloe...." Her gruff voice hissed, "Adrien," her voice hissed even more, scrunching up her nose as a disgusted expression was plastered on her face. Violently, she cracked her knuckles and shot me a glance. A murderous glance. I shivered for a bit. "Adrien will face the consequences."

I sweat dropped. "Don't be too harsh on him..." I pleaded.

Alya smiled, "You're always too kind. But this time, we need to face the reality about Adrien. You're already doing a great job confronting him before, now it's his turn to confront to you. He can't hurt you anymore, can't he? That's just ridiculous." I sighed. She was right. I needed to face Adrien and made things clear. But just not now.

"I'm not ready to face him, yet. I don't think I can face him tomorrow. Can I stay home?"

"Now, now, that's your choice. Marinette, recover until you're emotionally and physically strong. Who knows, maybe Ladybug might come and help you!"

I laughed a bit. "But you'll be okay being alone?"

"Psshhhaawww, I can hang with Nino."

Alya went home not soon, and left me alone in the house. Tikki flied over to me, and I smiled at her. I think I would skip school tomorrow, and the next day. It's probably for the best. "Hey Tikki?" I asked, breaking the silence.

She looked at me and whispered, "Mhm?"

"I think I should clear out my mind outside. I'll take a quick walk outside, but you have to stay here and guard the house," I told her, heading downstairs and towards the door.

"B-but it's nearly dark out!"

"The stars soothe me," I calmly told her as I shot her a smile.

Tikki frowned for a bit, she replied with an unsure tone, "Alright... and you're sure you won't need Ladybug? It's dangerous."

I shook my head, waving her a 'goodbye' as I exited the house and locked the door. I stuffed the key in my purse and took a soothing, calm walk through the city, when suddenly the memory came back to me, reminding me about Adrien and Chloe. I stopped in the middle of my tracks, my eyes started stinging. I wiped my eyes; I didn't want to cry anymore.

An hour passed by, I felt a tad better. But I wanted to see the stars... So I found the bench at the park, and decided to sit down and calmly waited for the stars to twinkle one by one, which will always leave me in awe and a bit of hope.

My ears perked up, aware of the sudden footsteps that slowly head towards me. I tensed up, thinking back what Tikki said. I shook my head, erasing the trance and thought what to do if it were a bad guy. I looked around, to the see--

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