Chapter 15: (still thinking of a title.)

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A/N: I updated on time! Congrats to me ^^

This is a bit long, and let me tell you, there's a kissing scene so... you know, just to warn you! It isn't extreme or anything. Oh and if you have an idea for the title, please comment it down. You don't have to, eheh. 

Have fun reading! (maybe ? )                                            -Sincerely Author-chan

  CHAPTER 15  

"Chat Noir I-"

Chat bit his lip in anticipation as his pupils dialated with a tint of interest that was etched unto on his expression, however, the feeling or nervousness and worry dominated most. The sky started to darkened even more, and the stars started shine even brighter and radiant. There were stars of white, red and blue. Upon the light that shone on Ladybug, Ladybug seemed vulnerable at the moment, and Chat clenched his fist, keeping himself from hugging the poor girl to tell her she doesn't have to say it. But that's the thing. He wants to know. He needs to know. What would make Chat leave her? Was it really that serious?

Chat observed her so intently through the dark, gloomy area, but not too intense to threaten her. Ladybug took a deep breath in and parted her lips. As she whispered the words out, the howling wind suddenly jetted pass, engulfing the two, and making Ladybug's whisper barely heard. The cold, harsh wind sent a sharp electric wave that shivered down their spines.

But Chat Noir understood it crystal clear.

Her lips mouthed the three words, 'I love you.'










There was a moment of silence that blanketed the atmosphere. It was not eerie, nor comfortable, but nobody spoke a word. Ladybug hung her head low, her face flushed with embarrassment as she awaited for her reply. Her stomach churned with anxiety and her body shivered as the cold air blew against her face. She thought, 'What could possibly go wrong? Chat loves me, doesn't he?' Curious, she looked to see Chat, who also hung his head low, his blonde hair freely falling down as it covers his face. His expression was unreadable. Chat wasn't moving either, and this made Ladybug even more anxious. But the promise he kept, to not leave her, also made her heart skipped a beat. She knew Chat is a trustworthy person, and that's one of the reasons she fell for him.

Suddenly Chat fixed his gaze on Ladybug, and Ladybug widened her eyes as she realized how long she was staring at Chat.

".... Ladybug."

Ladybug flinched at his voice.

Chat whispered with sincerity in his voice, "I'm sorry."

Ladybug's breath hitched as the words came out, hitting her hard in her heart. A sudden pain started to form around her chest as her lungs started to cramp. Her world was falling down slowly, and her heart was cracked in multiple vital places.


"I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings," he repeated, this time clearer and louder.

Ladybug furrowed her eyebrows as her blue bell eyes were coated with tears that threatened the fall down any minute. She thought Chat loved her, and if one loves someone, they will wait for them to return their feelings. But then, why was this different? Chat told her that he loves her. Chat always flirted with her. And now that she can return her feelings for sure, he declared the love story was over? 'Why?...' Ladybug though desperately.

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