Chapter 6: A Satisfying Toast

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A/N: Next Chapter will be updated in Wednesday or even Tuesday OoO. I don't know if it's irritating for you if I keep switching POV'S. Is it better to keep it as Adrien or Marinette? But I'll keep it as Adrien/Chat for this chapter.


I spotted her house in an instance. I smirked, a particular sensation wriggled throughout my body but I just can't figure out what this feeling is. I leaped off from a rooftop of a house I've been unknowingly sitting on for a while, landing on the ground with two feet. I extended my staff as I faced it on the ground, sending my flying in the air. I quietly landed on Marinette's balcony with ease. I pretended to dust off the dirt on my shoulder.

"Piece of cake," I complimented myself, confidently marching towards the door that opened to her bedroom. I scanned my surrounding, my cat ears simultaeneously perking if it were real. I headed for the 'Welcome' mat that was laid nicely in front of the door, bending down and flipped it over only to reveal a key.

// Flash-back //

"I'm safe now Chat, really," she reassured me.

"What if you're locked out your own house?" I asked her, hands on hips whilst tapping my foot. I smirked. Late nights like this, her parents must be sleeping. There'll be no way for her to be safe if she was under this circumstance again (to be clear, I'm talking about the Evillustrator).

"I've got a replica of the key to open my balcony door, comes in handy."


"Mhmm," she hummed, walking to her balcony door. "Right now, it's still unlocked, but when it isn't," Marinette bend down, reaching for the mat and flipped it over, grasping a key, "I've got a replica right here. You can come if you'd like."

"Oooh?" I purred, getting interested.

She plastered a stern look, "Only if you have my permission. It's not like I'll ever invite you secretly anyway." She turned around and playfully folded her arms.

"Then why'd you tell me this?" I raised an eyebrow, poking her which caused her to turn around.

She smacked my head. I blurted out a yelp, complaining why she did that and rubbed my head. "First, it was an answer to your question," she said in a matter-of-fact tone. I looked into her eyes deeply, signaling that I was waiting for the other answer. ".....And second, I don't know. I just feel like trusting you, you know?" she nudged me.

I slightly blushed at the comment, eyes widening. 'She trusts me? That's a relief!'

Then I turned tomato red when she flashed me her special smile she rarely gives to anyone. It's a sight I've never seen. With Adrien, she acts all scared and finds excuses to run off. Honestly, this is the best moment of my life.

// Flash-back end //

I greedily snatched the key and started to unlock the door. Then it struck me.

I'm being a pervert!

A delinquent!

A robber!

I slapped myself. "Adrien you butt! There's a girl, sleeping! And you want to break in house for your own entertainment. You monster," I whispered in a harsh voice, practically scolding myself.

"But Chat is a delinquent, not a robber and definitely NOT a pervert," I debated to myself, defending my rights to enter her room. Though it reminded me when Nino told me a special something. I cringed as that memory started to flow into my head, replaying the scene:

"Don't anything innapropiate, if you two are alone. Together. With no parents"

I hissed in disgust. But I could freshen up some breakfast for her, and not to stare at her creepily. I pulled in a sharp breath as I unlocked the door as guilt started hitting me like spears. When I heard the door click open, I slid the key back right under where it should be and went it, locking the door from inside. I saw Marinette all cuddled up in her bed. I smiled at the sight. I slapped myself quietly, getting out from a small trance I was in. 'Don't be creepy,' I reminded myself over and over. I went downstairs, knowing her parents are off in some trip, and decided to make her a simple toast with bacon and eggs on the side.

I cracked the eggs into a pan after spreading some oil in it, and started frying. It was no wonder that her fridge is complete with good quality food, after all her dad owns the bets bakery I've ever set foot on. I took two slices of bread and popped it into the toaster while getting another pan to cook bacons. No worries, I'll clean up everything. As I opened the cupboard and I was amazed. I swear, she has the most complete kitchen ever! I picked up a medium pan and started to spread some oil, just a bit. I then turned on the stove and tossed in 3 pieces of bacon. I look around me, seeing my beautiful masterpiece in progress. I took a pinch of salt and sprinkled it on top of the eggs, flipped it over and waited. Even I was getting hungry. Just as I went out of the kitchen to wash my hands with clean water, I stumbled across Marinette.





I'm dead.

"C-chat?!" her voice squeaked.

"I was cooking you breakfast," I smiled, patting her head, trying to ease down the tension.

"But I, you.... be right back!" she stammered uncontrollably, placing both of her hands on her head to tame her messy hair. I chuckled. She actually looks adorable.

TIMESKIP: Breakfast's ready


"Whaaat?" I said. I was dazed from her appearance. Although she's just wearing a sweater and some sport shorts and her hair tied in a messy bun, she looked stunning as always.

"Care to explain this catastrophe?"


She flicked her finger on my forehead. "Seriously, you should be in school. Did you plan this because I said I was skipping school? It is nice of you, but why? Your parents? Your education? And how did you enter?" Words were attacking me from every direction, but I managed to answer them in order.

"Yes. Because I want to accompany you, of course. My parents; they have no clue. My education; got them handled. And lastly," I breathed heavily, "you told me where the key was." Her mouth was then shaped like an 'o,' nodding understandingly.

"Go on, eat up your breakfast. I made it just for you!" I said, my eyes started glowing excitedly. She sweat dropped.

"I really thank you, Chat. I'm actually glad you came, sorry if that sounded selfish. I kind of feel rather lonely lately," she sheepishly admitted. I slightly blushed and patted her head.

"Don't worry, I'll always be there for you," I reassured her." And to repay my kindness, eat your breakfast I made for you."

She obediently took a toast and consumed it. Her facial expression was what satisfied me the most. "That tasted awesome! You should some!"

"No no I-" I stopped when she scooted over to me and placed her hand behind my neck, pushing in slightly as she gently shoved in a piece of toast into my mouth. I blinked with amusement. It's quite good, actually. "Woah, I'm a great chef." I smirked devilishly.

Marinette laid her head on my shoulder, quietly munching on her toast, "It tastes awesome, masterchef," she teased me, her blue bell eyes gazing into mine. I was stunned by her move, but I smiled in return. I wrapped my arm around her to bring her slightly closer, ruffling her head. I turned my head around to hide the blush that was slowly crawling up to my cheek.

"Thanks, Princess."

I wish things stayed like this forever.

But reality will strike once again, reminding me, it can't and it never will.

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