Chapter 3: She'll Never Accept Me

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Chat Noir's POV

"Chat Noir!" her voice of enthusiasm ringed in my ear, echoing through the park, breaking the eerie silence. My heart accelarated. I didn't have the guts to speak to her, after that.... incident.


I glanced at the clock, my lips curving as it forms into a smile. It's nearly 1 hour after school finished, which is when I told Marinette to meet me. Back then, roughly few months ago, I had this feeling for Marinette, just the way as I felt towards Ladybug. I don't know if Marinette will accept the 'real' me, as in Chat Noir. We're polar opposites, Chat Noir and Adrien, attached to one body, one mind, one soul. Behind the mask, I'm flirtatious, tremendously boastful, sketchy at times, and all the profiles I lack whereas when I'm Adrien; the innocent type. Ladybug surely rejected me as Chat, but accepts me as Adrien, I don't know exactly how but I have the feeling about it, like an instinct, you know?

Marinette seems to be fine with Chat. Besides, I was congratulated on doing my part of saving her from the Evillustrator. She's all cheery around me, but she looses all that when she's around Adrien, the act I play on. Around 6 weeks ago, she confessed to me about her feelings, I felt relieved she felt the same way, but I haven't lost hope on Ladybug, hoping she would accept me. I was in a dilemma. I told her to give me some time as I was given the past weeks to clear my mind. Every time I feel like Marinette's the one, I feel like I still have a chance with Ladybug. Once I decided my mind to be with Ladybug, I'll have that feeling I am drawn back to Marinette. So I told her that I've cleared my mind, that I like Ladybug and her, I don't know how she'll react but I hope for the best for her to understand me.

The sun hovered briefly, the sky slowly darkened in a maroon, red, yellow gradient. The classroom was pitchy, I awaited in the dark, hoping Marinette will turn up. I heard heels tapping through the corridor, I realized it was footsteps heading for classroom. I felt my heart beat sped up slightly, assuming it was Marinette. I walked out the classroom, abruptly stopping to see Chloe. I frowned a little, and let out a loud sigh audible for her to hear. She rolled her eyes and wobbled over to me. I grumbled as she pulled me into a hug.


I faked a smile and waved, "Hey Chloe."

"Come on, I want to come to your photo shoot!" she pouted, begging me as she buried her face in my chest. I furrowed my eyebrows, placing my hands on her shoulders and pushed her away.

"I'm waiting for Marinette," I said sternly.

Hey eyes seemed to have sparkled for a while, and her face darkened for a while, smirking. I raised my eyebrow, slowly taking off my hands of her shoulder. Chloe suddenly gripped both my arms, and violently pulled me back into the classroom, leading me to a gloomy area. I questioned her, she told me to shush as she pulled me into a kiss. A sickening kiss.

I pushed her away, she looked taken back.

"What do you think you're doing?!"

"Adrien, I've been your friend for years. Not to mention, I'm your first friend, aren't I? Now now, this kiss is to repay my kindness!" she blinked gratefully. I blinked.

"Are you sure?" I pathetically fell for it. She nodded with excitement. I shrugged, totally forgetting about Marinette as I leaned in to give her a small peck, instead she pulled me in into a full on kiss. I couldn't help but move along, until I heard Marinette voice squeaked. I quickly pushed her away.

Marinette... Her face sent me chills as I immediately cursed inside. This was Chloe's plan after all, wasn't it?

I remembered clearly, I chased her down the stairs, only to trap her into a dead end. Her face, was filled with fear. And the worst part was, I was the reason why she was scared. That is what hurts me the most.

// end //

You're... you're a plain jerk!


You're right Marinette, I am one pathetic jerk, aren't I?





A tear ran down my cheek without myself noticing. I snapped out of my trance, awakening to the sound of Marinette's voice calling me, her voice was so melodic to hear. Her voice sounded worried. She was already in front of me, wiping away a tear. My heart ached. If she knew I am Adrien, she wouldn't be doing this. She would never even glance at my face.

"It's okay, sometimes you've got to let your emotions out. It's suffocating to keep them all in," she told me gently, patting my head. As her fingers ran across my hair, I tingled slightly as I sensation jolted within me. I nodded, smiling. "Are you okay? Just moments ago you were frozen, almost unconscious even. You need to rest."

"I did something wrong to a special friend," I truthfully admitted. I sighed.

"May I know her name? I'm sure she'll forgive you."

I gritted my teeth and straight up lied at her, which hurt me even more. "She's..... a girl in my previous school." I never had a previous school, that was one. I was homeschooled all my life until now, which was when I had to freedom to go to school like everyone else.

She pulled me into a hug of embrace, "I guess I did something wrong too."

I gaped. "How?"

"I... went too harsh with him. Him, Adrien Agreste. Do you know him?"

My heart stopped for a moment. 'Too harsh?' I was the one at fault, and now she's blaming it on herself. I really am pathetic and stupid. "Marinette, I believe you shouldn't be telling me this."

She slowly released from the hug, which I haven't hugged back, and said, "But I feel like I can already trust you." With that, she flashed me the smile. The smile I loved, and I already felt my heart beating faster as my face got a bit hot.

We walked over to the bench, talking about ourselves. I've never gotten to see this side od Marinette with Adrien. She was always so shy and quiet, and very, very flustered. Now, she's so open, like she already knew me. At the moment, I was so drawn into her, but I at the same, Ladybug..


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