Trick or Treat?

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"Elsa could you stop doing paper work for a moment and but your costume on," Jack said hopping to distract her from her work. Elsa motioned  her hands around her and there was a torn version of her ice dress with a messed up hair and crown with makeup. "You happy?" Elsa asked as she sat down at her desk. Jack groaned "Trick or Treat?" Elsa stopped working and asked Jack to follow her they stopped at the library as she closed the door behind her, she cornered him "Elsa what are you doing?" He asked nervously
He liked Elsa for a while but he wanted to make the first move, so he could later Bragg about it when they get married.
She leaned in only inches away she stopped, "consider that a trick" she turned around and started to walk away, Jack turned her around "consider this a treat,". He leaned in closing the gap, making lip to lip contact with Elsa. Once he pulled away Elsa shyly walk away with Jacks hand in hers.

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