People Change pt.1

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Year 2012

I'm so stupid falling in the first place thinking I was actually different and now here I am watching him go away with another girl I already feel the tears start to form I wipe them away- no he doesn't deserve my tears I stand tall and walk away.

Present Day 2016
Stuck in traffic that's where I am right now work was hard especially since my boss got fired but they will promote me! I've been working there for two years already! I know enough not to mention I learn very quickly. Finally! Yes traffic is gone! I'm actually heading to see Anna and my nephew David yes Anna and Kristof got married and have a two year old son.
Actually feel little bit like a perfect family. 25 and I haven't gone out with anybody since I swim well except for going out to one person but that didn't turn out great considering he left to LA and didn't even say goodbye. I park in front of Anna's house.
ring ring
"We need you to come back to report back to work."
They already hung up. Guess visiting Anna will have to wait.

time skip

I hurry to the elevator
"Mr. Mark you want to see me?"
"Oh yes I want you to introduce you to your new boss."

A guy with silver white hair and pale skin that I would recognize anywhere. Jack?! He's my new boss?! What the heck?!
"Nice to meet you Mr.?" I pretended not to know or seem surprised.
"Jackson or Jack." He said and shook my hand.
"Okay, follow me Jackson." I said I know he hates being called Jackson. I guided him to his office. "Hey don't forget I'm coming over!" Marked yelled after me "at 5!" I yelled back

We finally made it to Jack's office.
"My office is the one next to yours." I said and was about to leave. "Wait! I-um- are you and Mark going out?" I was shocked by his question, I giggled quietly and shock my head. "His daughter, Emily likes to visit little David." I said and was about to leave, "is David your son?" Jack asked I rolled my eyes. He doesn't care or even deserve to know but he's not. I just left leaving him alone in his office.

"Hey, Anna? Emily's coming over at 5."
"Okay. Bye take care."
"You too"
I finally got home. Tomorrow is gonna be a rough day. It's gonna be super awkward, uncomfortable and everything in between.

Next Day

I rushed to the office I'm earlier than almost everyone. Actually I just really wanted to avoid Jack. But I guess I can't since he's my boss now.

It's nine and the files are so frustrating. I groan and mess my hair up more than it is. "I'm totally not gonna get these files done by tonight" I said to myself while laying my head down. "You know I can help you if you want." A familiar voice said I sighed, I really don't have a choice. "Yes please." I practically begged and shoved some papers in his hands.
It's 8 and I'm already getting ready to leave. I soon feel someone hug me from behind. "Jack?" I asked he pulled apart so I could see him clearly.
He leaned in, closer wait! What is he doing no he broke your heart! Stop him!

I ducked under him just in time. "No way that's gonna happen" I said "hurt me once shame on me hurt me twice shame on you." I grabbed my purse that had dropped in the process. "People change Elsa." And that's the last thing I heard before I exited the building.

A/N: I finally updated! Part two will be out tomorrow. Until the next update.

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