Lucky chocolate

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Based out of the picture above I don't own the account credit to rightful owner of the account.

"Frosty?" Elsa called out to her boyfriend, "snowflake?" Jack asked while, laying on the couch, cuddling with Elsa, "can you give me some chocolate?" Elsa put on her best  puppy eyes.
"fine," Jack gave in not being able to resist her puppy eyes, he took a chocolate bar out of his pocket, and handed to Elsa, she gave him a quick peck on the lips. While a smiling Elsa ate her chocolate, "wants some?" Jack shook his head, and gave her a quick but meaningful kiss.that caught Elsa off guard making her drop a piece  her chocolate, making it go inside her shirt, Jack leaned in, nibbling Elsa's ear a little, before whispering "lucky chocolate." Jack started to kiss Elsa's sweet spot, she let out a small moan, Elsa tried to punch him keyword tried. "J-Jack?" Elsa let out a soft moan, she pushed Jack again this time with more force, Jack pouted "after I finish my chocolate." Elsa pouted as she took a bit from her chocolate. Jack pouted innocently, then putting on his signature smirk.

A/N: sorry It took  so long to update, this is actually just a quick short one shot before I publish the one I've been working on for a while, again thank you guys so much. And until the next update, (p.s it should be tomorrow, pt. 1 and pt.2)

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