People Change pt.2

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Elsa's POV

It's been 2 weeks and working with Jack has been awkward, but it sometimes makes me wonder what would have happened if things would have been different.
I shook my head, and get back to my work. Ugh! More offers to join the merge companies, actually they're all from pitch black.
Tick tick tick tock
Ugh! I don't know what to do I'm so stressed out I'm supposed to have these papers out by 10 minutes!! Okay don't panic don't panic! AAHAH! Forget panic panic! I'm gonna get fired! No wait Jack wouldn't do that would he?!
Well I have been really mean to him! Oh no! Then where am I gonna live?! I'm can't stay with Anna! She'll think-
"Elsa? Elsa?" I was interrupted with my not so good thoughts by Jack, "uhm- yes?" I ask, "do you have those papers ready?" I shook my head "not yet sir," I said and immediately get back to work.

T I M E   S K I P
It's 10pm I was supposed to turn the papers in at 9 oh no, I'm just waiting for Jack to come in and punish, more specifically fire me!
Tick tock
Anytime now! I'm mentally and physically prepared to get fired.

The door swings open. "Elsa? Your work please?" Jack asked while smirking he was probably glad he was gonna fire me.
"Uhm- about that I'm not finished, and-" I said while standing up. Jack got closer, closer, closer. I don't know why I don't take a step back maybe deep down I want this to happen. "Can I do something real fast?" He asked I nodded we where only inches apart. He leaned in and closed the gap between us. People change
His words echoed in my head, I don't know why but I kissed him back.
No this is wrong, I pull apart.
People change, he changed an- and so did I. I'm not going to let him play with my heart again.

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