The Bet

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Jack's POV

Today's the day I have to do it. I have learned to love her but it's part of the bet.

Elsa's POV
Did he really think I was that stupid that I wouldn't find out it was a bet. Just wait until he comes here.

Third person
Knock knock
He's here Elsa thought, as she made her way to the door. She swung the door open to reveal Jack, wearing his signature look. Even if Elsa didn't want to admit she did have feelings for him. He shut the door behind him. He leaned in for a kiss but Elsa pulled away. Jack frowned,

"What's wrong?" He asked as he sat in the couch facing her.

" I know it's just a bet." Elsa replied with mixed emotions. Jack frowned again.

"Elsa where did yo-" Jack was cut of by Elsa

"Did you seriously think I wouldn't find out?!" Elsa raised her voice a bit and stood up.

"Well uh-"
"Don't answer that!" Elsa quickly said, she sighed.

"What did you have to do?" She asked freighted not wanting to hear the answer.

"Get in your pants."Jack answered looking at the ground not wanting to look at her reaction.

"How much?" Elsa said well more like whispered. As she raise Jack's
head to look at her in the eyes.

"1 million" Elsa gasped
"1 million?!" Elsa said confused
"It was originally going to be 1,000 but they found out that-"

Jack stopped there not wanting to answer be rejected

"Found out what?" Elsa demanded for an answer.

"Actions speak louder than words right?" Jack asked Elsa nodded for that's what she told Jack before they shared their first kiss together. Before Elsa could even process what was going on Jacks lips where already on Elsa's. 

Elsa pulled away, but secretly wanted it to last longer.

"How do I know your not just trying to convince me so you can just get in my pants?" Elsa said waiting for an answer.

Jack pulled out his phone, and dialed a number. Elsa was confused, what are you doing? She mouthed to Jack, he just motioned her to be quite. He put the phone on speaker so Elsa would be able to hear.
(Flynn, Jack)
Hey  Eugene
I told you to just call me Flynn
Anyway the bets off
What why?
Cause' I said so
Okay but you own us all 1 million 
Yeah I know bye
Call end ____________________

Elsa gasped, Jack now owned Flynn, Kristoff, & Hiccup 1 million dollars 3 million in total.
"Jack, you didn't have to do that." Elsa said as she sat facing Jack. "I'll do it" Elsa said looking at him dead in the eye serious.
"Wait! Are you serious.?" Jack asked shocked with her response. Elsa simply nodded.

Jack seemed lost in la la land, Elsa sighed an pulled into his collar kissing him. Jack deepened the kiss and asked for entrance. Which Elsa declined making jacks hands travel down her bum, Elsa gasped at this sudden move and well, Jack took the opportunity to slip in.

They pulled away and Jack carried her upstairs to her room.
Jack hummed in response.
"I want half of the money."
Jack nodded and smirked
They where lucky Anna was at a sleepover, and  Elsa's parents where out of town.

Well you can imagine what happened next. 😏

A/N: Sorry for any mistakes. Is anybody out of school yet?
Anyway until the next update.
                                   ~ Jelsa170

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