The Fight(Pt.1)

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Third person

Jack and Elsa had been husband and wife, for around 6 months they have had many fights but out if all of them this one was the worst on yet.

Elsa and Jack had just gotten back from Ashley 's party now that wouldn't have been a problem if Ashley wasn't Jacks Ex had done everything possible to break them up in the past, and in that party.

You see Elsa was feeling but a bit left out.
------------F L A S H B A C K-------------

Ashley has been in the entrance greeting very one but once everyone arrived she spotted, Elsa and Jack and waved, Elsa simply rolled her eyes, at Ashley.

"Hey Jack how's the party so far?"
Ashley ask Jack clearly ignoring Elsa presence.

"It's good so far, right Elsa?" Jack asked clearly feeling uncomfortable. Elsa just nodded, the rest of the time they Elsa sat there bored with nothing Elsa to do. Jack and Ashley had gotten into a conversation non-stop. Elsa stood up and left wondering if Jack even noticed. She got up and went to get some punch. She bumped into someone, " I am so sorry Elsa." The voice said remember that voice. "Oh, hey Alex." Alex was Elsa's friend and Ex than friend, again. Elsa grabbed a punch and drank it.
"Wanna come sit with me?" Alex asked Elsa nodded, and she glanced at Jack and Ashley who where still chatting. Elsa sighed as she sat with Alex. They chatted for a while, "hey you know, I always thought you and Jack would get married." Alex said completely off topic, pointing to Ashley and Jack who where dancing, together very close.

"We are." Elsa said as she showed Alex her hand with Alex ring. "Oh." Was Alex could say, Elsa sighed as she felt the tears were fixing to come any second now. She looked back at Jack and Ashley, and they weren't helping. "Elsa I'm really sorry." Alex said as he hugged Elsa as she let the tears fall.
"If you don't mind can you take me home?" Elsa asked him wiping the tears away. He nodded and took her home. "Hey your welcome to come in if you want." Elsa replied softly as she opened the door. Alex nodded and stepped inside. "Here let me go change." Alex nodded and sat down in the sofa turning on the TV.

T H R E E    H O U R S   L A T E R

"Hey Elsa I think I'm go head and leave, it was nice to see you again. If you need anything remember i'm just a call away." Alex said as he got up. Elsa nodded as she watched Alex leave.

O N E   H O U R    L A T E R

The door slams open to reveal Jack with a purple eye.
"Elsa I was looking for you everywhere at the party!" Jack said as he went to hug Elsa. Elsa pulled away fast," Really? Or did Alex go and give you what you deserved!" Elsa said raising her voice. Jack stayed silent, " I knew it  " Elsa whispered softly.

To be continued..........

A/N: oh no what's next will that be the end of them. Or....
Until the next update part 2 coming out today or tomorrow morning.

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