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Third Person

Jack and Elsa where dating, they where the schools couple goals. Except they didn't know,not even Elsa. That slowly Elsa was hurting him, Elsa being Elsa played hard to get almost too hard to get. Jack was hurt that almost everything he did wasn't good enough.

Elsa had told Jack to meet him at the back of the school before lunch, Jack finally arrived, "Look there's no easy way to say this but, I think we should break up, I just need some time to think through." Elsa said and left Jack all alone at the back of the school.

The rest of the week Jack and Elsa avoided each other's news of there break up was all over school. It had all ready been 3 weeks when Jack got a letter from someone to meet him at the roof top after school. So classes went on Jack wondered who was the person who left the note.

Finally, Jack went to the roof top to see no one in sight. Then out of nowhere, Elsa came out. Thought the weeks Elsa realized that she needed him, she loves him. "Jack give me another chance. I love you, I need you, I promise I won't be harsh to you. I promise I won't hurt you again. Just please give me another chance." Elsa begged holding Jack's hand, he let go of her hand.

Jack chuckled before speaking "Only an idiot, would take you back, after all you did..." Elsa was at the verge of tears feeling hopeless. She sat down and cried, Jack pulled her up, and hugged her. "..I'm one of those idiots" Elsa pulled away and smiled. She grabbed Jack by the collar and kissed him.
"I'll never let you go." Elsa whispered
Jack hugged her and kissed her neck.


A/N : Update! Short chapter.
Until the next update.

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