Chapter 10 Alexander Russo: I tried to make peace but he is asking for WAR

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 Dmitri and I left the hospital because they were about to take some of Fallen's blood. It was crazy I never really smelled the girls blood before I was too much set on her face than really thinking about her flavor. Well I was thinking about her flavor but not in the whole I want to eat you way. More like I want to taste you in the pleasure type of way. We both got into my car and drove off to our home in silence. I was thinking about the other day when I met Quil also known as Amar and it pissed me off a little bit.

-Flash back-

My phone had rung and I picked up it said it was from Fallen so I automatically answered it. "Hey, love how's it going?"  

"Hey, A-Alexander." Nivae replied, my smile immediately disappeared. 

"Why do you have Fallen's phone?" I said trying not to sound annoyed. However, it was almost impossible because some acid leaked through. I didn't want to hurt the girls feeling but my hopes of Fallen calling vanished as soon as I heard that trolls voice. 

"It's just that... Fallen's mom found Fallen in the bathroom like passed out or something and I didn't personally have your number to contact you, so I knew Fallen would and well I wanted to tell you." I almost jumped up off my couch and bolted to my car, but first my conversation had to be finished with this helpful girl.

"Is Fallen alright what happen?" I said swiftly.

"Huh? I couldn't catch that what did you say?" She asked, confused.

"I'm sorry, was that too fast? I said 'Is fallen alright what happen?'" I said slower so she could understand me this time.

"Oh, well I don't know yet we were going to drive up to the hospital and I was calling to see if you wanted to come with." She said it as if it wasn't a big deal! This girl went to helpful to a idiotic bim-bo. 

"No, I'll come up there by myself whats the name of the hospital?" I clearly didn't want to spend my time with  a girl with such a low attention span. 

"Creed View Point Hospital," she gave me the information I needed and I hung up on her. I tried to rush out the door; however, Dmitri had other plans and he blocked me.

"Move!" I yelled at him.

"Where are you going in such a hurry little brother?" He said while placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Fallen is in the Hospital something happen and you are blocking me to see what has happen now move!" I yelled again angrier than before. He still hadn't let me move and I was about to bite him.

"I'll come with." He said moving his hand. I ran pass him to my car and he quickly followed after me.

"Why do you want to come I thought you didn't like the girl?"  I asked him as I speed along the  I-ten truly hating that we lived so far away from town now.

"Why would I not  like her?" He questioned.

"The other day you didn't get why I liked this girl so much and now you have sudden interest like you care if she is okay."

"Well, getting to know her today was like cool. She is a nice person." He said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I know she is wonderful, I just hope she is okay."

"If someone has did anything to hurt her they will be destroyed by me personally." I looked over at my brother and my eyebrows rose curiously. "I mean wouldn't you?"

"Are you okay? Yes.. no... maybe? I mean you have a very strong voice kinda scared me Dmi." 

"I mean like I don't know man... I feel like I need to protect her. Like she is a delicate flower in a prize garden. She needs to be taken care of the most." I hissed at his words he was talking about my girlfriend in the since like he was in love with her. "Calm yourself. I meant in a brotherly way not no crazy vampire love way." I calmed down we where only half way to the hospital and I pressed the gas with much force. The car zoomed into its maximum limit. We rod the rest of the twenty minute drive in silence and as soon as we got there we had another interruptions as soon as we stepped out the car. We smelled foul blood. Werewolf were here... we felt it in are bones and we tensed up. Three gangly oversized children walked in front of us. "Move, we didn't come here for a fight." Dmitri said.

"We didn't either." The one infront of the other two told us.

"Then why block me and my brother from going to see my girlfriend?" I spoke up this time.

"I'm not blocking any one you want to get to her you go through me!" The one in back said stepping forward. He was tall lighter skinned then the others but had bulk muscles. 

"I go through no one." I said.

"I'm Amar," He told me and I truly didn't care. "You go through to see her." He spat this time.

"As I said before I go through no one. So I shall advise you to move before I make you move." Amar stepped forward and smirked.

"Make me." He challenged. I locked my jaw and lifted my fist to him but someone held on to my arm.

"We didn't come to fight." Dmitri hissed at me. I backed away from the mongrel before I did anything stupid.

"If I see you and Fallen ever again It will be War!" Amar growled but I wasn't fazed.

"You don't scare me little pup. You don't scare her. You probably don't even scare half of the people in your pack. Move aside I'm going to see MY girlfriend." I step to the side and I felt slight pressure on the side of my face... it was on I was going to kill him. I took in a deep breath and punched him in his face. The blow set him off and he phased. My face was like the mirror to shock because we were in a public area and he turned into a giant chocolate colored werewolf. His pack brothers had to drag him to the side and gather up his tattered clothing.

-Flash back ended-

I pulled up into my driveway and whispered. "This meant war!"

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