Chapter 11 Fallen Mason: Leave me alone!

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 I got to go home after they drew my blood. When I got home my parents kept bugging me it was like they wanted me to explode in their faces. They kept asking over and over "Are you okay dear?" or "Do you need anything?" The only thing I needed for them to do was leave me alone.

 I wanted to talk to Alexander just him. The thought of him meeting my parents on this kind of note irked me more than anyone could possibly imagine. Before my mother or father could ask me again, I put one finger up telling them to hush and walked upstairs to my room and lock the door behind me.

 "Finally... Silence!" I rubbed my head with the palm of my hand and walked to my bed and let myself drop like dead weight into the mango scented sheets. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

 I couldn't get five seconds to myself before my phone rang on my dresser. I looked up and glared at it. I didn't want to reach for it, but I did anyway. I clicked answer; however, I didn't read the name of the person that was calling me. I answered my tone was not hiding the annoyance in my voice "Hello?"

 "Hey, love its me Alex... are you in a bad mood?" I took the phone from my ear for a second to look at it. I bit my bottom lip then put the phone back to my ear.

 "I'm alright, it’s just that my parents have been bugging me and well it was getting on my nerves. Sorry that I sounded a little harsh, blame them." I apologized.

 "It's okay. So when am I going to get to see you?" He asked, needful.

 "Whenever you want just I need to go to sleep first. It’s been to long of day, and they took so much blood that I'm surprised my words aren't coming out all mashed up." I had been feeling light headed since I left the hospital.

 I heard him sigh, "Okay, love after you are finish napping I'm all yours. We can go see a movie or you can come over to my house or we can go out to eat." He ranted on. I felt my eyes drop heavily and my breathing slowed.

 "Okay, okay anything and everything you want we can do." My words were hardly recognizable. I dropped the phone and fell asleep with a yawn.

This was different when I closed my eyes I didn't see my usual big black blobs I saw a giant chocolate werewolf and a pale skinned victim. I was hiding behind an enormous tree that had a thick trunk and branches that hung low next to me making hiding easy. The leafs covered my face as I leaned into see what was happening. The wolf looked in my direction and yelped a bark that almost sounded like a laugh. I squinted my eyes to see the pale boys face.

When I saw that it was Alex my whole frame started to shake. My teeth even clinked together as the shaking grew harsher. Then I heard clothes starting to rip in the most uncomfortable ways. My hands were like a blur and I felt stronger somehow. I felt the need to roar out in anger. Before I knew it I was on all fours and actually growling. I looked down at my feet and saw thick white covered paws.

I didn't hesitate to run after the other werewolf -- in my moment off shock he had to die. He had harmed the person I loved and there is no reason for me to ask what had happen. He wouldn't be able to justify himself for this.

 I pounced on him and he growled viciously at me. I growled back and took a mouth full of his fur and clinched my jaw down hard. I heard a crunching sound underneath me and apparently I couldn't tell the difference between what fur and bone felt like in my mouth, most likely because they both felt soft underneath my teeth.

 The wolf underneath me yelped in pain and I got off of him. He made a run for it and I shifted back into human form. I realized I was naked and ran for the trees. I gathered up some of the ripped clothes that where big enough to tie up around me, and I ran back out where Alexander was.

I knelt down to his side and he smiled up at me, "You are incredible," he whispered before unconscious hit him. I patted his face a couple of times and he didn't awake. I even tried the sleeping beauty affect and kissed him; however, that didn't work out either.  

My dream began to diminish at its edges and I became aware of the real world that was forcing its way back into my mind. My eyes flew open trying to escape. I breathed in a very heavy breath and sat up in my bed. I glanced at the clock I calculated that I had been sleep for about two hours.

 I swung my legs to side of the bed and stood up grabbing my phone then heading to my door. I opened it and left out my bedroom to downstairs. My mom was in my dad’s arms on the couch watching a chick flick. I ignored them and walked outside for some fresh air. As I turned the door knob and open it wintry cool fresh air hit me blowing my hair back. I went and sat on one of the porch steps and listened to the rattling sounds of mother earth: the skidding of the leaves against the concrete, the water crashing into the rocks, and the low chirps of the birds passing by.

I felt my phone buzz in my hands and I looked to see who it was that was texting me, and Quil's name appeared on the screen of phone and I click to see what he had wrote. "Don't do it." 

 "Don't do what?” I waited for him to send me a message back I was curious on what he was talking about.

"Don't go out with him. He isn't good for you." I stared at my phone in disbelief when I read it.

"Are you serious? Who would be good for me? Sure and the hell not you!" I closed my phone and put it under my lap. I swear that boy is beyond mental. I felt it buzz again, but longer then a text buzz, so I got my phone from underneath me and answer. "Hello?"

"Yes, I am serious." He growled.

"I'm serious two. I'm not your puppet anymore Quil. You cut me from your strings and now I am with someone else." I told him, calmly.

"You listen to me and you listen to me good. Be a good little Fallen and not see him anymore." He growled at me.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You are dumb as fuck if you think if I will ever listen to you again. I am being good for me not you. What happen to being my best friend?"

"I can't be your best friend with him in your life."

"Then leave me alone for good." I clicked the end button.

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