Chapter 9: Awaken

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I woke up in the bed of a hospital. There were tubes tied up on me and a irritating beeping noise that followed the rhythm of my heart beat. The room was white, cold, and unwelcoming there were little windows that let me know how far up I was. From the looks of it I was probably on the seventh story. I felt light headed and sick. I clenched my throat  because I felt like I was about to vomit. There was a dark square tub on the right side of me. I turned my head to its direction and vomited. Gross, I thought. The door creaked open and my mom appeared. 

"Fallen," she cried. My eyes widen at her teary eyed expression. "My baby girl you are finally woken up!"

"How long was I out of it mom and what happen to me?" I asked.

"You where out for four days sweetie, the doctors said your body went into shock and when you fell in the bathroom where I found you unconscious you gave yourself a concussion."

"That explains the head ache." I said trying to touch the bump on the back of my head.

"Oh, when were you going to tell us you had a new boyfriend?" I frozen in spot for a moment when she had not continued. "He is so charming you do know how to pick them. He has been waiting in the waiting room for you for the past three hours. I told him he could go home but he insisted that he was along by your side. For the last four days he have been here none stop." I heard frantic pacing in the hall way as my mom was talking.

"Who is that outside the door?" I asked curiously.

"Probably, Alexander I told you before. The boy is nuts about you. Almost like the first time me and your father met. Love at first  sight that night, and the second night we convinced you."

"Ew, exit.. exit mom." She laughed and walk out of the room. Shortly after the door burst open and Alex came flying in. He had balloons in his hands and flowers. I was mystified I forgot that I was his only human girlfriend in his extended life time. I laughed as he hurled in the room like a tornado. "You seem every... um how can I put it scared out of your mind."

"Your laughing and you are in the hospital," His eyes melted into sorrow.

"It's not like I'm dead." I muttered. 

"What happen to you my lovely?" He said as he crossed the room placing the get-well gifts on the side of my bed then sitting on the edge by me. He places his cool hands on my face caressing my cheek.

"I don't know... I just.. just well all I remember is that I was in the shower and once I got out it everything blank."

"What happen before love? Did you just have a heated argument with some one?" I looked him and he frowned. "Ah, you did with with Quil right?" I nodded my head confirming his accusation. "Do you want me to break the little pups nose for you?" He laughed.

"No that would be rude. Why would you even even ask that?"

"I thought it would make you feel better and beside look what stress does to you." He said while touching the I.V on my wrist. I sighed stress get me in the hospital with a four day coma. That means... crap I missed two days of school. He seen my panic expression and try to smooth is out with his hand. "Are you alright love."

"I've missed two days of school. We had that extreme exam Monday and I've missed it, and today didn't we have that review in biology for the parts of the body and what not..." I said to the point that my breathing went heavy and low.

"Calm down love. You do remember my sister is a shape shifter." He reminded me. I nodded, but what did that have to do with me? He notice the confusion on my face and laughed. "All of it is taken care of love. No need to panic unless you like this shabby white room and insist on staying here for another four days."

I shook my head no. "So.. your sister shaped herself into looking like me and took my test for me?"

"Yes, that's what I pretty much said did I not?" He said slowly as if I was mental.

"Well... tell her I said thank you I am truly grateful for her." I was going to have to get her something special. He swooped down trying to kiss me but I threw my hands over my face trying to protect myself form the hypnotic taste of his skin.

"Whats wrong?" He asked stunned by my rejection.

"Well, you see I just threw up and well I don't think you want to kiss me I need to brush my teeth." He removed my hands from my face and kissed me anyway ignoring my warning completely. He kissed me with such passion it was heart breaking. I dare not to open my mouth so he wouldn't have to smell my horrifying breath. The door open and someone cleared their throat and when I looked over it was my mom. I pushed back on him and he laughed and walked out of the room. "His fault completely his I told him not to do it." I told my mother.

"Oh, get over yourself Fallen... stop acting so dramatic be lucky it was me and not your Appa. He would have ripped that boys tongue out." She chuckled.

"Who are you and what have you've done with my mother?" I asked. I eyed her and she just laughed some more.

"Your mother is still here I just... Well when you said your growing up you weren't lying. Look at you Fallen your old enough to see a 'R' rated movie by yourself. You pretty enough to get a boyfriend. My baby has grown up into a beautiful young adult." She smiled at me.

"So, when do I get to go home or is the hospital holding me hostage?" As I said this a nurse with  a perky smile on her face and couldn't have been older then twenty-six years old came into my room with a chart in her hand.

"Oh, your woke." She smiled at me.

"Yeah, I am it's a miracle right..." I teased her.

"Well, I'm glad you are woke. Also, we are going to have to hold you hostage for a couple more hours." She informed me with a shaky smile. I sighed but nodded. "Don't be too worried and plus I came in here because some girls and some boys wanted to see you... I am seeing if I have permission from you,"

"Who are they?" I wondered.

"Well, a tall tanned girl named Jawa...  a shorter pale girl named Nivea.... I am guessing your boyfriend that just walked out wants to come back in," She gave my mother the and he wants you out look and smiled, " and another boy that is pale named Dmitri..."

"Oh, they can come in." I smiled at her and she open the door and they all stampede in. Dmitri was weird he rushed over to me and gave me the most caring look in the world at that moment he felt like a older brother. Jawa came over second and she tossed her arms around me and said something I couldn't understand I think it was 'I missed you don't get too stressed again.' Nivea mad her way lastly because she was the smallest she tried to push through. I was glad she was the same height as me now I won't be the only small one.

"Well, I guess I'll be going." My mother said while leading the nurse out too. I sat up and all four sat on the bed where I had moved from. Then a flood of questions started form each one of them...

"What happen?" Jawa spat.

"Who did this to you?" Dimitri said threatingly...

"Why didn't you call me?" Nivea said.

"Hold on you, I don't even know what happen. No one did this to me. And I was in a coma for four days I couldn't have possibly called."

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