Chapter 1: Life Sucks Get Over It.

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Making Good Impressions

By: Sa'Bree Jasper

Chapter 1: Life Sucks Get Over It.

I gave him everything, my mind, my body... and he has done this to me! He had done this to me, of all people. What did I do to deserve this? At least I didn't give him my power, my power to love. I loved him with a burning passion and he did this. Every time he told me he loved me, I believed it! But now they were cuts in my aching heart. But people couldn't see that, they only could watch as the internal pain seeped deep into my eyes. It was his fault he shouldn't have left me, we belonged together as one. He imprinted and our relationship was destroyed by a baby girl.

He said I was a useless human to him now. I didn't deserve love if it couldn't be with him. But my love could never be shared with him again. I never felt so impure, dirty; unclean about thinking of what we once have done connecting with each other's in sensual ways.

I thought our love was pure, pure to the core but that was only a wild fantasy that I put myself through. I had to suck it up because there could no longer be and us with me and him only an I separated from the him. I took a deep breath and sat up from my bed than blew it out form my nose.

I whispered his name and it burned my throat coming out ripping another whole in my already aching chest. I fell back in the bed and pulled my knees to my chest in fetal position. I waited for my dry tear docks to produce more tears to roll down my already soaked cheek. I let the pain have me and I was done thinking about my past werewolf lover. . .

. . . Three Months Later. . .

I had been back to school - had almost all A's in my classes and one major thing I almost never thought of him again since my day of realization. I even went on a few dates to get my parents off my back. Of course I still loved him but it didn't make any difference.

Anyway, there was a new boy that caught my eye. He was a pale skinned goddess. He had big round gold en-colored eyes that mesmerized you with just one glance. Striking dark red hair, with a freckled face - a ginger perhaps.

But what caught my eye was his smile... it was threating almost. The sight of threat lured me in some more to get a closer look. I was a magnet for danger, yes, and I knew that. I could almost smell the threat rolling off of his body and it excited my system. His smile got even more cynical, so that I had to flinch away.

I turned my head to the teacher when I heard a low growl on the other side of me. My head snapped up to the sound and he realized his growl wasn't low enough so he muttered in a low appalling voice "Sorry, Fallen." I responded with a slight smile.

After school I went straight home to see if my mother was home... she wasn't neither was my father. Days like this I wished I had relatives, being the only child sucks! I sighed and stared off to the stairs I made it only to the second step when the phone rang. I turn to face the phone and happily ran to it, craving communication from any living being. "Hello?" I breathe, and the voice I never thought of hearing again spoke.

"Hey," he said a smile in his voice.

"What do you want? I thought you never wanted to hear my voice again."

"A friend can't call a friend?"

"No, because we aren't friends," I almost growled at him.

"Why aren't we friends?" The hurt was as clear in his voice as it was in my heart.

"Oh, I don't know let's see 'You are a useless human to me now I feel nothing completely nothing for you!' Remember that? I cried for weeks because of that one sentence." My voice broke several times, the anger started to melt into somber. Soundless tears swept across my face.

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