Chapter 5: Dreams

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Chapter 5: Dreams.

 I looked into her eyes and I could tell my dreams could come true with this human girl. I could love and I could love well… I could smile now. I got what I wanted and that was all that matters at the moment. I could be me. She sat there eating a slice of cheese pizza looking down and occasionally looking up at me to meet my eyes and smile. “What are you thinking?”

“Lots of things. Like how I always dreamed of a normal relationship and out of the two I’ve been in this one seem as if it could be normal, and how Amar will react when he finds out that I’m not dating a human.” I purposely asked for table far from every human’s curious ears.

“Why would he need to know?”

“Because he is going to smell my sent when I get back, so obviously I’m going to smell like you.”  Oh right we smell too sweet for them.

“Your world must feel like a horror story.”

“No, not at all. I never thought it would be more perfect.”

“Prefect, if you were normal you would think it was a horror story.”

“I think you are trying to push me away. Quil didn’t even try to push me away more then you have.”

“Who is Quil?”

“That’s Amar’s nickname.” I growled. “Don’t be mad I didn’t give him it, his pack brothers did.”

“Well, that makes me feel real good. His pack gave it to him.” She sipped on her milkshake waiting for me to get it all out of my system.

“You are my boyfriend,” I smiled widely when she claimed me “Don’t be jealous, and besides,” another sip “I want you and not him.”

“Promise,” I pled.

“Promise, oh and I have another question that I am dying to ask.”

“What is it?” She handed me her milkshake. “Food?” I guessed, she nodded. Anything she desires, I thought. I took a long gulp of the cold surgery drink. Disgusting. I tried hard to swallow the thick syrup.

“How was it?” she asked after it went down.

“Very unpleasant.”

“Come on it couldn’t have been that bad.”

“It was THAT bad.”

“You know for a person that is made of stone I would think that you would be less whiney.” She laughed.

“I am not whiney.” I moaned. She looked at me and laughed. She grabbed her drink and took another sip. “I’m not.” She looked up still drinking raising her eyebrow. “Whatever,” I finally gave up.

“Are the myths true do you not sleep?”

“I sleep.”

“Ah, tell me more.”

“I don’t sleep like a regular human though.”

“You sleep upside down?”

“Ridiculous, no I sleep only three times a month.”

“Wow, so… forgive my analogy but your sleeping is like a period? It only comes one time of month?” I howled in laughter.

“I never heard that comparison before, but yes I guess you can say that.”

“Well, thank you I have a very unique way of viewing the world.”

“I know. You almost ready to go?” I looked at the sun it was almost all the way up in the sky.

“Do we have to go now? I don’t want to go home yet.” She asked, pleadingly.

“We don’t have to we just got to get out of here.” I called the waitress to come forward she was awkward and unattractive. She wasn’t awkward like Fallen through which seemed to be oddly very attractive. Fallen and I went to the car after she was left a large tip and proceeded on with our day.

“Do you sparkle?”  She asked suddenly breaking the comfortable silence.

“Do I what?”


“Why would I sparkle?”

“Well like in the sunlight… vampires sparkle.”

“What real vampires sparkle?”

“So you turn into ash?” She questioned.

“No, nothing happens?”

“Fine do you at least turn into,” She said but I interrupted her quickly.

“No, I don’t.” Disappointment crawled upon that perfect face of hers; I had to impress her with something. But what would impress this lovely maiden. I thought of it quickly and gave her my hand. My gift would surely impress her.  As she soon as she touched my skin the transformation was in action my whole body turn invisible and so did hers.  I waited for her reaction when she couldn’t see me anymore. She gasped loudly.

“I can’t see you. What are you doing?” she asked fascination leaked out of her wind chimed voice.

“My gift.” I answered and let her hand go so I could see her perfection again. 

“That was astonishing, how did you do that?” She asked, she was excited.

“Well, I really don’t know how I do it when I want to be alone, it just happens.”

“This is extraordinary; can anyone else in your family do that?”

“No, but my sister is a shape shifter, my father is a mind reader, well my mother has the ability to control the weather for more than seven hours.”

“Can you tell your mom to make it sunny for once I have been dying to wear my new shorts?” I was going to make that happen… I wanted to see those long legs. I caught myself day dreaming about feeling her soft skin, moving my hand gently up and down her soft warm caramel colored legs. Slowly moving my hands up her waist pulling her into my chest her frail body so close and yet not close enough.  I imaged kissing her soft lips again how warm they had felt undermine. I stopped myself from going further.  The pause was short only a half a second. I started the car again thinking of taking her to my parents’ house.

“Where are we going now?” she wondered aloud.

“Well if you don’t mind I would like to take you to my house. But if you aren’t willing to be in a house full of your ex-boyfriend natural enemy then that is just completely fine. I’ll understand.” She looked at me utterly confused.

“Why do you keep talking about my ex-boyfriend? It’s just me and you okay so stop it with say ex-boyfriend stuff. I don’t need his approval. I am a big girl I’m with my boyfriend if you are in love with the title ex then I could happily give it to you.” She said, angrily. I didn’t want that title.

“No, thank you. I would like my title to remain the same.”

“Then shut up with the ex-boyfriend crap, Okay?”  I never heard her so forceful, I kind of like it. I nodded quickly almost in a blur agreeing fast. “Now look at me.” She said. I turn my head: forgetting about the road momentarily. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss my cheek, I didn’t like that so much but the warmth was pleasing.

“Are you willing to go to my parents’ home?”

“Now, I’m scared.” She confessed, terrified.     

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