Chapter Eleven: Surprises and Security : Enoch

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Enoch had in no way been part of the short discussion that had resulted in his standing outside Emma Bloom's house sulkily waiting to join the rest of his apparent 'friends'. Evidently being made to be social was bother beneficial for him and a more fitting punishment than being grounded was. This was definitely the case. Enoch basically grounded himself every weekend anyway, he preferred having a reason to stay in the house.

The moment it had come out that he had actually been invited somewhere, a huge mistake on Enoch's part which he dearly regretted, his mother's entire face had lit up and half an hour later Enoch was sulking in the passenger seat of the car.

He did not hide his displeasure when his father had pulled over at the Bloom residence and slammed the door with only a mumbled reply and a scowl.

The boy looked over his shoulder as he stood on the doorstep to watch the car pull away from the curb and sighed. With a distinct lack of enthusiasm, he reluctantly pressed the doorbell. He could hear the melodic chiming inside the house from where he stood and tucked both hands into the pockets of his black jacket as he shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

When the door opened a few moments later, Enoch was momentarily taken aback. His dark eyebrows shot up and the scowl on his face vanished in surprise. Being Emma's house he had expected her to answer the door. But Olive stood in the doorway instead.
Her red hair had been tied back in a loose plait and several strands had fallen loose around her face framing it in an undeniably pretty way.
She was wearing a pale purple woollen jumper that, even Enoch could not fail to notice, made the green of her eyes stand out even more. Maybe it wouldn't be quite as awful tonight as Enoch had been expecting. Olive gasped when she saw him and for a moment they both just looked at each other, neither expecting to find the other on the other side of the doorway.

"Made the mistake of lettin' my parents find out." Enoch said after a few seconds by way of explanation and immediately a smile broke out over Olive's face.

She had wanted him to come of course, had asked him herself at Emma's insistence, apparently, and said quite genuinely Enoch was sure that it would be nice if he did. The smile on her face was proof enough that she had been wanting him to come along, which was a sensation that Enoch was not familiar with from anyone else. They could take him or leave him for the most part, and the same thing could be said on his part, although it was usually leave them.

"You came after all!"

"Not of my choice..." Enoch quickly insisted although his previously sour mood had perked up slightly and so did the corner of his lips as he looked at Olive who opened the door wider and stepped to the side, beaming at him to come in.

"Emma was upstairs." She said, answering the question before Enoch could care to ask it as he awkwardly stepped inside. "Everyone's going to be so surprised you're here...come on!"

Before he had time to so much as open his mouth to object, Olive had taken hold of his forearm and was pulling him along through a large open doorway and into the living room. She dropped his arm as quickly as she'd grabbed it and he felt the absence of her hand immediately through his jacket sleeve. "Great...yeah that's exactly what I was 'opin' for..."

Four heads turned as soon as they entered the room and Hugh, cuddled up on a loveseat with Fiona let out a cheer and grinned over at them.
"No way?! Look what the wind blew in! What made you decide to come after all? Bet I know."

Enoch glared at him. "You fink I'd be 'ere if I 'ad a choice?"


"Enoch? You turned up?"

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