Chapter Twenty: The Elephanta Household : Olive

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Two in one day again, I'm on a roll.


Olive could have died right on the spot when she'd seen that picture. She had wanted nothing more than to sink right through the floor and never come back up again. There was no stopping it now either. It had been circulated far too widely for that. Now she and Enoch might as well be walking around with a banner. She had been sure too that that was it now. There was no way Enoch would still want to see her now that that date at least was public knowledge to everyone. He'd want to salvage what he could and call it all a waste of time. She had been sure of it.

But, to Olive's immense relief and surprise. She had misjudged him. He didn't storm off and not talk to her at all, or tell her that whatever they had was over. If anything, he'd been ready to throw down for her. He'd been so angry she'd watched his fist shake and his fingers tap so hard on the bench in Biology it was as if he intended to drive right through it.

When he held her hand, it was like nothing that had happened even mattered. She could have argued with him for hours and told him not to react to Jack Bentham and his friends, but it would have done no good. Whether Enoch was being protective, or possessive, or even both, he was defending her. While his methods might leave something to be desired, Olive had to admit, it felt kind of nice to know it was for her.

She just hoped this didn't mean he would retreat completely back into that shell.

It would go away. The staring and the snickering would stop and so would the cruel, snide remarks about stooping as low as Enoch O'Connor, would pass and people would get bored of it. Gossip in London's schools was as common as the pigeons.

What would not pass was her parents insistence on meeting this boy she spent so much time with, staying later at school to study with, and meeting for movies. Olive was quite transparently transfixed with him, she was fully aware of how much she smiled to herself whenever he messaged her, which wasn't all that often really. When she'd gotten home and said goodbye to Enoch after their date, she'd been so lightheaded and giddy her dad had thought she'd gone completely mad.

They wanted to meet him. This "boyfriend" whom she hadn't even dared to call him that herself yet. Not to him, anyway.

Term was only two weeks away from ending now, and Christmas just three weeks away and they'd been asking to meet him for a week now. Olive just didn't have the first idea how to bring it up to Enoch. Of course, she wanted them to like him, but she could just see how the idea would go down with him.

Just do it, Olive. She scolded herself and drew in a deep breath as she looked up at the shop front of "O'Connor's Funerals". It was a very professional setup, as anyone would have expected, but no less a morbid place to work, Olive thought. She hadn't ever gone inside yet, had never had a reason to meet Enoch while he was working. But she'd been nearby anyway and he'd mentioned he was supposed to be there this Saturday morning.

It was a very strange feeling Olive felt as she pushed open the door. A little bell jingled as the door opened, a cheery touch considering the less than cheery nature of the business. Of all family businesses...funerals...

After twenty or so seconds a door opened somewhere and Owen O'Connor appeared from around a corner.

"Morning, can I 'elp you? Oh, 'ello..."

Olive turned around where she had been looking with a strange kind of curiosity at a coffin display and flower arrangement. She caught the surprise flicker in the man's eyes but before she could so much as open her mouth to ask for Enoch, he had said it himself.

"I guess you must be 'ere for Enoch. Won't be a minute, love."

"Uh-yes, thank you."

Less than a minute later she heard footsteps coming back from the back and Enoch appeared through the door his father had gone.

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