Chapter 38 : Irrepressibly Undeniable : Olive

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It's getting close! Judging by the amount of interest, I'm going to have to start thinking on a sequel! I take that as a massive compliment, more than I could ever really say so thank you very much!


Olive could very easily get lost in time whenever Enoch kissed her like that, or at all but who was counting? And she certainly did get lost, her legs pulled up on the couch with her and Enoch's arm comfortably firm around her waist. His kisses were usually fuelled by some underlying emotion, usually a frustration, but they weren't often soft and sweet.

Granted though, it didn't stay soft and sweet very long from the moment he'd pulled her back closer to him. Nothing else mattered in the world right now except for Enoch. As far as Olive was concerned, he was her whole world. Because what else would there possible be besides Enoch? Somewhere along the way her hand had made it into Enoch's hair, running short strands through her fingers. It was softer than she had imagined, and she could feel everywhere it kinked into a wave or a curl. In any other possible circumstances she could not imagine Enoch taking kindly to her running her fingers through his hair but then again, he was full of surprises today make no mistake.
She loved that side of him. Few and far between it was that she saw it. She loved every bit, even the rough parts that would always be there to make Enoch himself.

He loved her. Enoch O'Connor was not only capable of love, but actually admitted that he loved her, Olive, so very unlike him in every way. She didn't think she could be so happy, and if she were any happier she would surely burst into flames and melt away.
Everything from shock to elation had rushed through her when he'd said it, despite the 'think' he had added, it was clear he meant them. That was hardly a time for his sarcasm. She hadn't moved for almost a minute while he talked with his back to her and wanted to cry she was so happy. Olive would have told him eventually, there was no denying that, but only when she was sure he wouldn't have flipped out, but now everything that went unsaid every time she looked at him, every time she spoke to him and touched him, it was all in the open and it was magnificent. She wouldn't trade anything in the world for that moment.

However long they had actually stayed right there was beyond Olive. It could have been thirty seconds or thirty minutes for all track of time she was keeping and neither she nor even Enoch seemed inclined to stop it, if anything his grip had tightened. And then her ears started to ring. No. That wasn't in her head at all. That was music, Olive wasn't so overly cheerful that she heard music in her head. That was a phone. It was her phone.

If Enoch heard it, and he couldn't fail to, he gave no indication of it first. Olive's eyes snapped open and she broke the contact first, leaving Enoch to make a disgruntled sort of huff.


"That's my ph-oh..." Before she could even move backwards or untangle his arm from around her, her phone, on the other side of the room in her bag, had stopped. Olive bit her lip and looked sideways, cringing a little. She knew that was her mum, it had to be. How late was she? She'd said she wasn't coming right home but had that long passed already? Whoops.
Enoch was staring at her and she turned her head to look sheepishly back at him.
"I have to go."

"No ya don'. My parents ain't 'ere."

Olive smiled. She could have sworn that sounded like he didn't even want her to go. Her father would be furious if he knew they were here with no one else in the house. Reluctantly she unfolded his arm from around her and untucked her legs from under her.
"Mine are around. And even if they weren't, you know I should still go."

Enoch didn't argue, though she could tell he was seriously considering it from the way his eyes darted around and let her move away.
She felt giddy, and her head spun a little as she stood up too quickly. Enoch had been taking up most of her oxygen, well and truly and she heard him snort in amusement behind her as she actually wobbled on her feet standing up.

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