Chapter 35 : How Do You Even Know: Enoch

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"I thought you weren't gonna join? You made that pretty clear you'd rather do your own thing."

"I would. I didn't wanna be out at all. Rather be 'ome 'onest." Enoch rolled his eyes and buried his hands deeper into his pockets to hide the fist he was clenching.

Hugh laughed, loud enough to make Fiona and Olive both turn around to look at them. "Yeah, double date hardly screams your thing. But if a girl is changing your mind so easily I think you've got it ba-"

"Shut up. Olive didn' make me anyway." Enoch snapped and scowled at the cobbled pavement and Hugh let out a low whistle.

"Steady on. I'm not saying anything that isn't true."

"Well you are, actually, so shut it and don't give 'er ideas." He slowly uncurled his fist inside his pocket and tensed his jaw. He'd only partly come out with them because he knew Olive wanted to, it was largely due to the alternative being suffering through another night of hounding and after a week of it, with one or both of his parents over his shoulder stricter than prison, he didn't think he could take it again.
Hugh could think whatever he wanted, just not to bully Enoch into thinking that he actually did before Enoch even knew himself.

To be perfectly honest, Enoch wasn't sure he'd even know if he loved her. Just the word sent a shiver down his spine and nerves running through his gut. He didn't know what it felt like to discern it anyway so he put it out of his mind the moment he thought of it. It was overrated and unnecessary anyway.

"You're not still embarrassed about it all are you? Blimey, you needa get over yourself one day."

" 'cause I ain't a soppy besotted puppy trailin' after someone wiv doe eyes, ya fink ya know me?" Enoch rounded on him, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he stared Hugh down who didn't look even the slightest bit bothered.

"No. But I love Fi, she knows that, and I know what it looks like. Get over your pride for five minutes Enoch. If you love her- and don't think nobody sees the way she looks at you-don't let her hang there, that's just mean."

"Stop sayin' that, or I'll show ya mean if ya don't stay out of it. One bloody word and I'll personally put ya in a casket."

"What's the matter? Aren't you coming?"

Olive's arm slipped through his elbow and Enoch started in surprise. She didn't look as if she'd heard. Nor Fiona right behind her. His eyes lingered on Olive, smiling curiously between him and Hugh and something fluttered in the centre of his chest. Damn it all, the last thing he wanted to think was that Hugh was right again. No. Enoch wanted nothing to do with it. Nothing was worth this right now.

"Nofin's worth this. I'm goin' 'ome now." He pulled his arm free and for a moment thought of kissing her cheek. But that would add fuel to the fire.

"Already? Why?" Olive's face dropped completely and he stared at her for another moment. Maybe he should have apologised. She was disappointed of course, he could see that much but right now he didn't care as much as maybe he should. It was one stifling atmosphere or another and right now he'd take the other.

"Oh come on, mate, no need for that."

Enoch shot Hugh a glare to shut him up right away and turned back to Olive with a shrug.
"Forgot, I got stuff I gotta do. I'm goin'."

" you want me to come with you?"

"No." He watched her for a second more before glancing briefly at Hugh and Fiona and turning away without another word to walk back in the opposite direction, glaring at anyone who happened to cross his line of sight with a ferocity that would have deterred Barron's Rottweiler.

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