Chapter 05- Back To The Streets

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Kissing Constellations

🚦Chapter Five🚦

Back To The Streets

Toby burst through the front door, and the cold air from outside rushed in behind him, swarming around his body and into the house. He bent his stomach over his knees, gasping loudly. Sporadically, his chest began to heave, his lungs scraped in every drop of oxygen they could find, and his legs were shaking, barley able to hold up his weight. Then, when Toby finally stood up straight again, he noticed his throat was raw. A string of coughs erupted from his chest and spilt out in front of him. The boy wrapped his arm over his mouth, wanting to suppress the seemingly ceaseless buzz near the back of his tongue.


The teen fell to his knees, wheezing still. His headache returned much stronger than before, knocking into the back of his head like a hammer. Tilting back on his knees to steady himself, Toby's coughs began to die out.

His voice was stricken with pain and sorrow as Kiro entered the living room, "Kiro, I'm so sorry. I'll go now, I swear-"

"It's too late." Kiro interrupted sharply. His auburn eyes ignited into a flaming forest, burning into the boy's skin, and the man's dark hair fell over his face as he moved closer. Each step impeded doom. Toby's nails dug into the carpet and dragged his body away from the fearsome figure above him.


"They left already, you moron." Threatening tones underlined Kiro's voice. A downward curl was planted upon his upper lip and his eyebrows furrowed. "That's a lot of money down the drain, Toby. What are you going to do about it?"

The freckled teen remained on the ground with his back pressed against the front door. He wasn't sure how to respond. "I... I can... find a j-job maybe?"

"And what? It'd take months to make that up."

"I-" Toby was suddenly yanked to his feet by the collar of his shirt, only to be slammed into the door behind him moments later.

"Listen here, you ungrateful piece of shit!" Kiro seethed. He kept his fist wrapped tightly into the teen's shirt, while his face leaned closer. Toby turned his head to the side. Panic rose from the pit of his stomach. "I don't feed and clothe you just so you can walk all over me! I gave you some free time to lighten your punishment only for you to spit in my face."

The boy's feet kicked out fearfully, "Kiro, please, I'm sorry-!"

"Bullshit." Kiro pushed Toby's spine further into the door with a terrifying strength, his posture became rigid, and he loomed over the smaller male with an undeniable superiority. His raven-like strands of hair casted an ominous shadow over his already dark eyes. "I'm done with your shit. I'll make sure this won't happen again, got it?"

Toby swallowed thickly, his eyes flickering from side to side in a hysteric mania. Kiro moved in closer with one hand set out in front of him, and the small male was only able to hear his frantic heartbeat over everything else.

All of the sudden, Toby felt his shirt being forcefully tugged off of him. He inhaled sharply before ripping his shirt back down to cover his exposed abdomen. Fear, anger, confusion, they all bubbled together inside of him and climbed towards the top of his throat.

"Kiro?!" Toby pushed the man's large hands off his hips. But, Kiro came back, with even more determination, and his rough fingers crawled under the boy's shirt, trailing up the set of ribs that laid there. Toby placed both of his hands onto Kiro's chest and pushed with every ounce of strength that he could muster, and the raven-haired male stumbled a few steps back. "What are you doing?!" Toby's voice resonated throughout the house with a slight tremble. He continued to speak within the small amount of time that he had created. "I said I'll find a way to pay you back!"

"You're lying." In only a moment, Kiro reached outwards and threw the boy to the ground. A thud came from the collision of the hardwood and Toby's shoulder blades, his eyes slammed shut in pain, and his head rolled to the side. When he open his eyes again, he was met with a large boot next to his face; Kiro's boot.

Kiro crouched down with his arms resting across his knees. A vindictive smile played at his lips. And, with an arousal due to the resisting boy, Kiro greedily slid his hands down Toby's inner thighs. The man's face was flushed and grisly as he bent forward and hunched his body over Toby's own.

Toby squirmed uncomfortably, "Stop!" Something wet sponged over his ear. Toby could only quiver and even flinched away, but Kiro was relentless, continuing to the assault the teen's body with his mouth and tongue. The jaw, neck, and collarbones, every place the man could reach within a moment of time, he did. "I said, no!" Toby cried. His fists pounded against Kiro's chest fearfully.

And he continued to struggle despite there being no escape, "Help!" He leaned his head back. "Get off!"

"Shut up." Kiro rolled the boy's shirt up and over his shoulders, pinning his arms down with both the fabric and a calloused right hand. "Why do you think you're here in the first place? Because no one cared about you, no one ever will, and no one is coming to rescue you."

"That's..." Inhaling deeply, Toby's bangs fell across his face. His mind began to register the man's words. Was he truly unlovable? He didn't wan't to believe it, but a small part of the boy thought it to be true. No one wants me around... Not even Kiro.

"You said you loved me..." Tears welled up in the boy's eyes, slipping down his scraped up cheeks and chin; his already bruised skin began to sting, and a heavy weight pressed down on his aching heart. "You said-"

"Well I lied."

A white-hot rage coursed through the teen's veins. He reeled back his leg with a cry of anger before swinging it forward and smashing his heel into Kiro's crouch. The man flew back, tumbling off the boy beneath him and writhing in pain on the floor.

Toby stood on his feet quickly, and slammed his foot roughly into Kiro's lower back, forcing the man's face into the ground. The larger male let out a low grunt.

"I hate you!" Toby screamed, kicking his shoe into Kiro's side once more.

Kiro chocked on his own words,"Toby, I'm-"

"And you're right, no one does care about me! But I don't need them too, I can take care of myself, you bastard!" The boy crinkled his nose, tears still leaking over his cheeks and eyes still red with hatred. "Unlike you, you- You pathetic, stupid, dumb, i-ido-"

Kiro tried crawling to his knees only to be pushed back onto the carpet with a sharp knee to the face. "Toby, stop!"

"Stop?!" He laughed sarcastically. "What about when I said that? Did you stop, Kiro? Did you?!" The man had no time to respond. Unable to subside his anger, Toby punched him again, drawing blood from the inside of Kiro's mouth. "What about me, huh?! I'm a human too, you know! I trusted you!"

The man sputtered inconsistently, unable to feel anything over the constant blows to his torso and face.

"I loved you! You were supposed to help me!" Raspy breaths fell from Toby's lips, and his hands began to quiver. "All these years, I've believed you...Everything you told me."

Then, all of a sudden, his swarming emotions fell steady, along with his heartbeat. His words were soft, and much slower, as if his senses finally returned to a normal level. "I trusted you, Kiro."

The man only coughed; he began to regain himself.

"I did so... So many things for you..." Toby had stopped crying at this point, and the atmosphere around them, that was once stiff and quick-paced, began to dull. He wiped his eyes angrily, sniffling as he did.

"I'm sorry!"

Toby spat on the man who laid doubled over on their shaggy carpet. "Screw you."

Kiro tried standing on his feet as Toby turned away, but fell again, realizing he could not put pressure on his right side.

"No, Toby, listen, don't go!" Kiro spoke painfully. He reached out to the boy who was just so close before and was now out of his grasp. It was almost inconceivable for him. "I was just joking, really!" He suddenly became panicked. "Please don't leave! I can't do this without you! HEY-"

Toby looked over his shoulder with a snarl before ripping open the front door, as he did, he flipped the man off. "Gag on a cock, Kiro."

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