Chapter 09- Cleaning Up

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Kissing Constellations

 Chapter Nine

Cleaning Up

"Scrub, rub, and done."

As much as this expression made Toby chuckle, and as sexual as it sounded, the other three insisted it's what Madame Blin had taught them while cleaning the monster that was this huge house.

"Now, after we've finished vacuuming the three ground floors, we split into groups, wipe down the walls and start on the morning dishes. I know it's a bit of a chore, but we get to live here rent free! So in retrospect it's a pretty good deal." After Grace finished splitting up their chores, she took off with Lily to scrub the walls, William went on his own to wipe down the windows, and Toby was assigned to dishes with Arissa.

Great. He thought. I get to listen to her whine about how horrible this place is again.

Toby rolled back his sleeves with a sigh. This uniform was really uncomfortable. He wasn't used to wearing nice clothes. Grace and Lily ended up picking the color purple for him. His silk purple button-up and black pants matched Williams in all aspects except color. Toby began to wonder why Madame Blin had them dress up like a pack of Crayons, but if it meant living in this place for free he could look past it. 

As Toby started filling up the first sink, Arissa leaned towards him, getting onto the tips of her toes.

"Why haven't you left yet?" She asked in a whisper. She sounded confused, or maybe concerned. Who knew. Toby has always been bad at reading people.

"Listen," Toby sighed. If he could just say something that would either piss her off or creep her out, maybe she'd leave him alone. "I get that you're jealous that you're not her only 'personal pet' now, but I'm not gonna run away just because she's a little intimidating, alright? I've dealt with plenty of so-called scary people. I don't need you, of all people, to warn me. I'm not some little kid."

Arissa didn't seem to be fazed. "I'm telling you it's worse than you think."

"Nice to know." He said whilst rolling his eyes.

"Fine then, but you'll regret it soon enough. Don't say I didn't try to help."

With that Arissa went silent. Her eyes glossed over as she worked to rinse, dry, and put away the dishes. Toby only scoffed. He couldn't be bothered with something so childish. For now, he needed to earn his keep.

⇺ ✫ ⇻  

Greg, hazy, rested his chin atop the bar's counter. Sam sat beside him silently, snickering when the bartender gave Greg a nasty look in passing.

"What did you want anyways?" Sam scoffed, picking up a napkin to wipe the drool leaking out of the other's mouth. "You called me over here for a reason I'm sure."

Greg picked up his head, "You know what, Sammy-boy?"

"No...? What?"

"You're like," Greg sniffled, "my best-est friend, ya know? Did you? Did you know that?"

"Holy shit, you're hammered." Sam laughed nonchalantly.

It was nearing closing time now, and the bartender began mopping the floors haphazardly. He was a gruff old man and seemed annoyed the two were still here so late. Sam called for him with a wave of her hand.

"What?" The bartender asked crankily.

"How much did you give this guy?"

The bartender simply shrugged, "He came in drunk already." and continued on his way.

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