Chapter 08- The Woman In White

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Kissing Constellations

 Chapter Eight 

The Woman In White

Toby struggled to regain his composure after jumping back from the man fearfully. He held two hands over his warm cheeks, willing away the flushed color across his face. Although, as he did this, Greg seemed to go back to his usual self within moments.

The large man inhaled deeply before approaching the door to the prep room.

Toby pinched the bridge of his nose. What was I about to say? What was I thinking?! I can't stay here with him! Greg's done more than enough for me. And besides-

The door creaked open with a slow swing, and in walked a slender, middle-aged woman. She wore her dark hair back in a braided bun, with a white dress with a white blazer over it that fell loosely behind her. Confidence oozed from her being as her slow strides came to a stop a few feet in front of the Auction House's top bodyguard. She tilted her pointed nose upwards.

"Greg." She said in a strange monotone. Her accent was French. 

"Madame Blin." Greg responded in the same manner. "You've finally found one to your standards, I see."

"Or one that was close enough." Her lips curled, and then, her silver eyes flickered to the left, around the man's body, and towards the Submissive behind him. She stepped outwards.

"Toby Andrews, was it?" Madame Blin raised a brow smugly. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and began to stare almost hazily.

Toby shot to his feet, quickly bowing his head, "Yes, mam'.

"Ooh, how obedient." She snickered to Greg before facing Toby once more. "Who trained you? What an interesting display of respect..."

"Kir... An Asian man, he had traditional regulations, mam'." The teen nearly chocked on the foul taste of Kiro's name.

"I see." She looked his body up and down with a hungry gaze. "Rather slim. Look up at me." Toby obliged immediately; as he'd been trained to do this sort of thing for years. He had almost forgotten about this part of his life. It'd only been a few days since he left Kiro's once and for all. But, so much has happened since then, and it felt like his first taste of freedom was being sucked away again.

During this rather strange interaction, Greg thought to himself: Is this the same Toby? Has he put up a front for her... Or is it me he's been hiding himself from? The "real" Toby, he said. What does that even mean?

Madame Blin raised her head slowly, inspecting the boy from the creases in his hands, to the way his eyelashes laid against his cheeks. She was rather particular about her pets and refused to let her reputation falter.

"I'm legally responsible to tell you that there are no refunds, Madame Blin. If your Sub happens to be unsatisfactory, run away, or otherwise, we cannot replace your money or time."

"You don't think I've realized that by now, Gregory?"

Toby watched them spitefully. They talked as if he weren't in the same room. As if he weren't even a person, just an object for amusement and exploitation. He expected this from the woman in white, yes. But, Greg? Surly Greg wouldn't think of him so lowly.

"Besides," Blin continued. "He definitely will not be running away." She turned to face Toby with a cold smile. "Isn't that right, my pet?"

Toby could only respond with a quick nod and a silent swallow.

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