Chapter 01- A Stranger

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Kissing Constellations

🌌 Chapter One 🌌

A Stranger

‼️Warning ‼️ This story contains DD/LB relations. If you don't know what that is, please spare yourself... I am a sinner. Thank you. That is all.

*Note from 2020: I wrote this story when I was much younger but recently logged back on to this account and people requested I published this again. So I am, with minor revisions. Please go easy on the writing.. :D

Greg Knox was a simple man with simple needs. He had an average house, an average amount of money, and a pretty average job. Although, some would consider his profession to be quite strange.

Greg worked as a bodyguard at a furniture warehouse that turned into CG/L auction building on Saturday nights. Sure it wasn't legal, but it paid a lot. He enjoyed his job, and he very much enjoyed the lifestyles that his clients lived. Actually, Greg had taken it upon himself to join the Sub/Dom community.

He adopted a little girl at first, hoping to explore his sexuality. But, it turns out she wanted nothing more from him than to check "Fuck a Kinky Bodyguard" off her bucket list. Which, he thought, was an oddly specific goal she had in mind. Anyways, after this incident, he decided he much preferred men over women. Not because he believed all women were inherently evil and vindictive like his ex was, but because Greg was a curious man by nature. He wanted to try out both genders before concluding a preference towards one. So, that's just what he did.

Did he regret wasting his time with that girl? Not particularly. Greg took a lot away from that relationship and learned not to be so trusting with anyone who offers him attention. He learned not to be so clingy, not to fall face first in love, and to take things slowly. It was a life experience.

He'd learn soon that another "life experience" was on its way.

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It was raining heavily. A thunderous storm quickly settled over New York City. Greg had just finished hauling in the last pieces of furniture and was now sitting outside the back door under a small ledge that protected him from the rain. He lifted a cigarette to his lips, inhaling deeply. It was a bad habit he's picked up recently: smoking. After parting ways with his little girl, things weren't the same. Everything was stressful; he was heartbroken. Greg truly believed this girl had loved him as much as he loved her. Apparently not. It's been a month or two, but that didn't stop the man from grieving. It's not easy to recover from heartbreak, at least not for him. The only thing that encouraged him to wake up and get out of bed nowadays were Annie's daily phone calls.

Annie was a Submissive that Greg met when he first started working at the auction house. She was as cute as a button, nice to everyone, and innocent too. He has kept in contact with her, even after she was adopted from the auction house by a wonderful Mommy and Daddy. Annie's Daddy was a bit jealous of Greg at first, still is, but, that didn't deter his motivation to speak with her. Besides, Greg wasn't interested in seducing Annie in any way. She was nice, pretty, wonderful to be around... But the man just didn't find women sexually attractive.

He breathed out a puff of smoke, resting his chin atop his hand and gazing down the empty alleyway.

"That's really bad for you." A voice spoke suddenly.

Greg jumped back, just now noticing a strange, small boy who sat in front of him. Said boy was extremely skinny and pale. His cheeks were sunken in and his clothes were torn in various places. It reminded the man of a scene off of "Mary Poppins". The part when loosely-clothed men popped out of chimneys and were covered in soot. Or was that a porno? Who knows.

"How long have you been sitting there?"

The child kept his back rested against the brick wall, his chin tilted towards the sky. Greg watched curiously as the boy smiled with his eyes closed and allowed raindrops to trickle down his lightly freckled cheeks.

"A storm's coming, don't you think?"

Greg shrugged, "Most likely. Why, are you afraid of them?" He joked.

"A little bit." the boy looked away seriously, "But, I think I can find a nice place to hide until it passes... I always do."

Greg's fatherly instincts began to shine through as he spoke, "You should really get out of the rain. You could catch a cold."

"It's okay." he reassured the man. His dirty and brown bangs were now matted to his forehead. "I think I'll try to get back home now anyways."

Greg watched the teen stumble to his feet, "Where's home?"

"Close... I think." The boy scratched the back of his head as if he were trying to remember something.

"Is your home safe?"

"Yes?" the small male said. He began to fidget with his fingers, curling them into one another, and it was only then when Greg realized the boy wasn't wearing any shoes. "Why do you ask?" continued the stranger,

"Well, despite the fact that your clothes are torn and the lack of shoes, you're pretty damn skinny."

"And you're awfully muscular." the child retorted, turning on his heels.

"I have to be." Greg spoke with a hint of amusement, "I'm a bodyguard."

"Are you? Then that makes sense."

"I guess it does. So, what's your excuse?" Greg grinned.

The boy only smiled, "Goodbye, mister. I'll see you soon, hopefully."

"Wait!" Greg stood on his feet as the child trailed down the darkened alleyway. "You didn't answer my question." But the small boy had already left.

This would be the first of many visits from the mysterious freckled child...

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