Chapter 07- Place Your Bids

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Kissing Constellations

🌌 Chapter Seven 🌌

Place Your Bids

The stage lights were nearly blinding...

Row upon rows filled the audience chairs, and cheer upon cheers roared from their throats. Excitement rushed throughout the crowd, for this was their final chance of adopting a Submissive if they had not already. Some had even traveled out of country for this highly popular event. This audition center was famous world wide yet still unknown to the public. Only the most elite were allowed inside. 

"Now please, welcome Toby Andrews to the stage!" The announcer roared excitedly. In response, the guests clapped their hands in a craze, whistling as a small boy entered the stage. Some guests packed up their things as the last Sub came on; either because they were looking for a girl, or they just weren't interested.

Toby watched with a frightened glance as rows emptied out before him. He looked up a Greg worriedly.

"It's okay, look," Greg pointed out into the crowd of people. "See how many stayed? The rest are missing out."

Toby nodded while biting his bottom lip. His fingers picked at the end of his shorts before his legs forced him to walk further into center-stage. He blinked wildly, trying to adjust to the harsh spotlights. The announcer's voice read off his information.

"Toby Andrews: 5'5, 90 pounds, quite a small little guy!"

Toby blushed, his hands intertwined in front of him and his gaze fixed towards the crowd. He swore he could hear a woman coo.

"Age 21," Toby felt a bead of sweat run down his neck when the announcer said this. Greg must have changed his age on the sheet. "Red hair, brown eyes, already trained, a Switch, and fairly obedient. Looks like we have ourselves a diamond in the rust folks! Let's start the bidding at $10,000!"

Buzzes sounded off immediately, and the announcer struggled to keep up with the rapidly rising numbers. Toby's mind decided to drift away unconsciously.

Let's give 'em a show. Toby thought smugly. I'm not cheap like Kiro thinks I am; I'll show them that now.

The boy ripped his hand from Greg's own with a small chuckle. And Greg only had time to glance down, panic filling his heart. Had an audience member snatched the boy from the stage? No. Greg looked up to see Toby stepping further into the spotlight.

That prickly little cunt! Greg laughed to himself. He sure is confident.

Toby threw the fake tail to the side of his body, simultaneously popping his hip upwards. His hands rested in the small of his own back. Greg stared straight ahead, wide-eyed, unconsciously thinking that the boy looked somewhat like a sassy runway model.

Toby curled his upper lip and snickered mischievously at no one in particular. He raised his right hand to the ceiling, batting it at the audience like a kitten's paw. He was already dressed as one, might as well play the part, he thought.

Just then, the buzzers erupted in greater numbers, and arguments broke out between a few people in the audience. The price had quickly risen from $10,000 to nearly $50,000.

Savages. Toby thought to himself bitterly. All this commotion for a single boy? It's pathetic...

Greg stepped forward and dragged Toby back a bit, worried that he was too close to the arguing crowd, and also afraid he would rile them up too much. Greg didn't want to separate another fight tonight.

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