Chapter 06- Take the Stage

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Kissing Constellations

💸 Chapter Six 💸

Take the Stage

It was the week before Halloween and the CGL auction house was bustling with guests. Greg scrambled about, trying to make each and every little acceptable and ready for the stage. They were short on workers tonight, but that didn't stop the Halloween themed auction from starting.

"Ah, Suzy, sweetheart!" Greg chuckled, crouching down in front of a smaller girl. She wore a puffy pink dress and a pacifier was stuffed between her lips, bobbling slightly. She looked down at her toes shyly. "You've muddied up your pretty face."

Suzy snickered as Greg wiped a wet rag across her cheek. "Sowwy, Greg."

"That's alright," he patted her head. "Now go and get to your prep room, tonight's supposed to be spooky, remember?"

She gasped dramatically before scurrying off, "My costume!"

Greg chuckled whilst standing back on his feet, only to be bumped into by another person.

"Sorry, my bad!" A voice yelped. Greg turned around, picking up the rag he dropped in the process.

"Oh, it's okay." Greg ruffled a boy's hair with a smile. His name was Danny, if Greg remembered correctly. Danny was a Sub that was on the taller side, 5'10 to be exact, so he's been having trouble getting adopted. "You ready for tonight, buddy?"

Danny nodded enthusiastically, "Mhm! See my scary makeup?"

Greg squinted amusingly at the boy's fake fangs and droplets of "blood" down his chin. "Did Sam paint that for you? It's great!"

Danny grinned ear-to-ear before skipping off to his prep room, humming as he did. Greg laughed through his nose; he really loved this job.

It's always been like this. He enjoyed interacting with the Submissives, hoping to make their day just a little bit better. And the Subs themselves absolutely adored him, even flirted with the man at times, jealous that they weren't his. Even Greg's coworkers knew how much he invested into this job.

"Oi, Greg!"

Greg searched around wildly to find the source of the voice calling out to him.

"Over here, numb nuts!"

Greg looked toward the open door of the storage unit to see Sam, his coworker, who was also the janitor, leaning against the door frame.

"Language." Greg tsked, walking towards the tall blonde with a smile.

"English." Sam was wearing a Grim Reaper costume. The staff forced her to wear it in order to put everyone in the "spooky spirit" for tonight. The scowl planted across her pink lips and her furrowed brows suggested that she hated the getup. Greg thought it was a fitting costume nonetheless. 

"The bags under your eyes are getting heavy again." Greg said coyly. Sam rolled her eyes. "Something wrong?"

"Anyways," Sam huffed bitterly. Unlike Greg, Sam loathed her job. She wasn't much of a cleaning person, though anyone could see that by the dirt covered floors and messy mirrors inside the building. Whoever assigned this role to her sure picked the worst candidate. However, she couldn't deny it paid very well and she had no intention of quitting. Sam yawned irritably before speaking. "I'm gonna need you to check out back."

"Out back?"

Sam scratched the side of her face in a lazy manner, "Yeeeeah, someone's banging on the door... Have fun."

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