Chapter 12- Rescue Mission

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Kissing Constellations

Chapter Twelve

Rescue Mission

Toby was stunned, "Greg..."

From across the room, Will sniffled, his hands twisting into the bedsheets, "Who's Greg?"

"He's..!" Toby spun back around to look outside the foggy window only  to see Greg being let in. "He's a good friend. This is perfect! He'll get us out of here."

Sam became just as excited and ran off when Toby told him to pack his bare necessities.

Toby initiated the first step of his plan with a lopsided smile.


Greg, nervous, adjusted the crooked tie around his neck. He suddenly felt very hot in the suit he was wearing. The collar was definitely trying to choke him, he concluded. He raised his fist, knocking lightly on the front door to Madame Blin's home. His ears buzzed lightly.

In barely a second the door swung open, and a lanky woman in a tight white dress was waiting on the other side, leaning against the door frame. Greg shot up straight in a display of respect for the well-known woman, Madame Blin.

"Ma-Madame Blin, how horrid to meet you." Greg giggled. "Haha, it's funny because it's the truth."

Madame Blin raised a brow, "Greg, are you intoxicated?"

"Ah- pft- don't worry about." Greg chuckled between his words speaking more with his hands than his vocal chords. "I hailed a cab."

"That's not the point, Greg, I-"

"Anyways!" Greg yelled obnoxiously, stepping into the house and around her without permission. "I came to take Toby back."

"Hilarious." Madame Blin laughed though her nose. "Now get out of my house."

"No really he's-" Greg hiccuped. "Hes-hic- underage."

"Impossible. I have his report," Madame Blin followed Greg with a quick pace as he searched through the house, continuing to speak as they moved. "-And it says right on it he's just turned 21."

Greg stopped in front of a random door, swinging it open to reveal a pristine bathroom. No one was inside... Shit. He continued stumbling about the manor calling Toby's name with his hands cupped around his mouth.

"Well, turns out he lied about his age to get a free home or some shit-" Greg lied, not wanting the fact that he sold a minor to get back to his boss. "Anyways, can I like... have him back now? My cab's waiting, my buzz is wearing off, and your lipstick is smeared."

Madame Blin held a hand to her lip, "What does that have to do-"

"Toby!" Greg began to shout sloppily. He approached the stairs that lead to the second floor with a slight stumble. "Toby!"

Toby poked his head around the corner, bowing solemnly after noticing Madame Blin behind the disheveled man.

"'Ey lil' guy, I like the uniform!" Greg gave him a big thumbs up.

Toby paused, taking a moment to breath, "Thank you", he whispered quietly.

"Alright time to leave! Off with the collar!" Greg smiled widely, and turned to face Madame Blin.

The woman scowled, "Fine. Just, make sure to put him back on the market when he is of age. I didn't waste good money on a child."

"Oh, yeah, I'll get right on that." Greg said in an overly sarcastic tone, dragging Toby towards them. Toby however, remained silent the entire time, his hands tucked in front of his body.

Madame blin, with a dignified poise, opened a drawer in a shelf that held books atop it and sat idly by the corner of the stairs. When her hand retracted it was holding a silver key, which she used to unlock Toby's collar.

And then the lights went off...

-Metaphorically of course. I mean the lights in Toby's brain. As in an idea. As in an idea to take that key and unlock Sam's collar! But how? He needed a distraction, a diversion, a-

"Alright, you need to fill out the release forms and all that boring crap." Greg said with a sigh. Then he snorted before repeating the word 'crap' as if it were the funniest word in the world.

"You're seriously a child." Madame Blin scoffed, before pointing towards the dinning room with a manicured finger. "I fill it out in there."

Greg began to follow her, telling Toby to go pack his things.

The boy, still holding his neck, blinked silently. He had only been wearing that collar for a few hours, yet when it was removed he felt an indescribable feeling... Something close to freedom. He wondered how Will would react to finally have his off as well.

"Oh, right." Toby whispered to himself harshly. His feet acted before his brain, silently tip-toeing over to the wooden drawer. His fingers reached for the handle with steady breaths. He could hear the faint conversation between Greg and Blin residing within the nearby room. His nimble hands wrapped around the tiny silver key, before he brought it to his chest endearingly.

"Alright." He encouraged himself, turning around and heading up the stairs. "You've got this, Toby. You beat a rapist's ass, and you lived on sidewalks for the better half of your life, so the least you can do is sneak a kid out of a house."


Toby heard William's hushed and panicked voice when he reached the top of the staircase.

"You can come out now." Toby said as he turned the corner.

William held a small bag to his chest, and a weary smile on his face. His lips parted for a brief moment to speak, "Do you have a plan yet?"

Toby pulled the key from his back pocket, causing Will's mouth to fall agape. The boy's world shifted completely. This key was his ticket out. William snatched the key desperately, shaking from excitement, the pure thought of an escape. His fingers trembled against the lock, missing the keyhole with every attempt.

Eventually Toby took the key from Will's hand, told him to calm down, and unlocked the metal collar. It fell to the floor with a soundless thud.

William became giddy almost immediately, bouncing from foot to foot while rubbing his hands down his bare neck to his collar bones. His skin that had been covered was much softer than the rest. When his fingertips pressed over tender or bruised areas he would wince, but the pain was worth it, even for only a moment, to be rid of his shackles.

Will was snapped out of his daze by an eager Toby tugging on his arm. And before he knew it, they were facing the front door.

"Alright," Toby whispered to him' "I'm going to open this door and let you out. You hide behind the corner and follow me to the car once I leave okay?"

"Okay..." Will spoke with uncertainty.

Toby's tone became more stern, "I mean it. Don't come back inside no matter what. If I'm not out within five minutes I want you to run."


"No but's."

"Toby!" Greg's voice echoed through the house. "Are you finished?!"

"One second!" Toby yelled in response before turning back to William solemnly, "This is your last chance, Will... Please, promise." 

Will's eyes flashed with uncertainty before he gave a gentle nod towards the other boy, "I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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