Teen Top Scenario: When Someone Flirts With Him

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Teen Top Scenario: When Someone Flirts With Him

C.A.P Version:

  “My gosh, your muscles are just woah,” the waitress continues.

  C.A.P smiles politely and you continue to swirl your straw around in your glass of water.

  “Could you get us our order now, please?” he asks with a smile.

  “Ah sure!” she says happily before heading off to get your order ready that you made 10 minutes ago.

  “_____-ah,” C.A.P says in a cutesy voice, “How are you my Yeobo?”

  “I’m fine,” you reply as you continue what you’re doing while not making any eye contact.

  You look up to see C.A.P smirking and looked back down at the table.

  “Are you jealous?” he teases.


  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Maybe I am a little…”

  “You shouldn’t be,” he replies grabbing both of your hands and enclosing them in his.

   C.A.P makes sure the waitress is back and in clear view when he leans over the table and captures your lips with his.


L.Joe Version:

  “Aw, is someone jealous?” your friend starts poking your cheeks for a reply.

  “I am not jealous,” you replied through gritted teeth.

  She rolls your eyes, “Don’t worry _____-ah, that actress has nothing on you.”

  “Thanks,” you say gently as she pulled you into a hug, “Uh, _____-ah…. Could you let me go?”

  “Nope, because you and I both know that the kiss scene is coming up and if I let go of you, you’re going to get into some legal trouble with the actress and director,” she replied, hugging you tighter.

  “_____-ah,” you complained, “It’s only a kiss on the cheek.”

  “Cut!” you heard the director yell, “Good job everyone!”

  Your friend lets you go and flashes you a smile before prancing over to the snack table.

  “So, after this you want to grab some drinks or food?” the actress asks L.Joe.

  “No thank you. Thank you for the offer though. I must get going now,” L.Joe bows and then grins as he hops over to back hug you.

  “Jagiiiii!!!” he shouts gleefully, “Were you jealous of my kiss scene?”

  “It was a kiss on the cheek! Why does everyone keep asking me that?”


Chunji Version:

  “You are just the cutest,” the hairstylist cooed as she continues to endlessly flirt with Chunji.

  You don’t even resist rolling your eyes.

  “Thank you,” Chunji replies, flashing his signature smile.

  Stupid Chunji and his smile that makes girl’s hearts drop to their stomachs.

  The two continue to talk and you hear the stylist say one flirty comment after another.

  You decide to pull out your phone and distract yourself from anymore torture.

Kpop Funniness {Scenarios and Jokes} [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon