Chapter 2

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"a little bit on the right.. no! tilt it a little aaaaand bingo! that's it! thank you so much!" I said smiling at the two huge guys who helped me unload and position the couch and my bed in my newly desinged apartment. It was exactly 6 in the afternoon when I finished everything. I planned to call Macy, my best friend who's a resident here, after this and have dinner with her and maybe some sight seeing after but, I didn't know where my phone is.

*riiiiiiiiiiing riiiiiiiiiiing!

My phone began ringing which made me jump and stumbled through the empty boxes I left behind me.

"Where's my damn phone?!" I rampaged through the empty boxes and finally found my phone lying on the floor. I quickly grabbed it and saw Macy's face on it.

"Macy! Glad you called!" I said as she greeted me with a joyful "hello". I missed her so much!

"I'll be right in front of your door in 3..2..1.."


Whoa! She's fast!

"MACY!!!!" I shouted as I hugged her tightly.

"ELLIE!!! I missed you so much!" Macy said as she hugged me back.

"so, Where's Kurt?" She asked as she faced me with a smiling face which suddenly changed when I gave her a sad look.

"Oh my gosh. Is it his mom again? what happened? don't tell me-" I cut her off knowing what she'll say next which still hurts.

"yeah. His mom really won't accept me and I really don't want their relationship to suffer because of me." I told Macy which earned me another hug from her, this time a bit gentle.

"I'm sorry El. Well enough with the drama because I am here and there are lots and lots of guys out there who would die to be with you. so cheer up okay? and let's get out of here! I'm starving!" Macy said as I wiped away the tear that had escaped on my left eye and laughed with the way she managed to divert the subject.

We went to er car and went to this awesome restaurant who serves the best Grilled Pork in the world! I could smell the sweet scent of grilled pork from outside the restaurant and so we went inside right away.

We ordered our meal and because I'm on a diet, I ordered two servings for myself.

"Woah! you're one with the apetite alright? can you finish all of that?" Macy asked as I gave the menu back to the waiter.

"uhm yeah and I'm starving. Don't worry. You'll get used to me soon." I said and she just laughed at my gluttonic behavior.

We talked about almost everything while we're eating and laughed most of the time. Macy Collins, my best friend since kindergarten, moved here after highchool because she wanted to pursue her dream on becoming a singer but she ended up being a music teacher at some school here in London. She really loved her students and her co-workers which changed her mind on becoming an artist.

"You know, while I was in college, I realized that I don't need to be famous in order to help. I used to think that way but now, I really want to dedicate myself to teaching kids how to sing and play an instrument. It makes my heart fat!" She said and I laughed at how she described her heart.

"Well. I am currently haunting for a job here. You know, writing stuff. I've been sending a lot of e-mails to different publications and not even a single one noticed me. Did I made the wrong choice of college?" I asked Macy and she just placed her hand on my shoulders.

"No Ellie. You just have to wait, that's all. How about this, I'll help you find a job okay? Don't lose hope. That's what you're here for right?" Macy tried to cheer me up and it worked. Macy has always been there whenever I feel down, even when we were in college. I can really rely on her. She's so independent.

"I wish I could be like you." I told her and began choking the food she was eating.

"what are you talking about?" she asked as she drank a lot of water.

"I mean you're smart, you always make the right decisions, you're independent and I'm always dependent to you since.. I was born maybe?" I said and she laughed at me.

"thank you for the compliments but you are smart too. you also make the right decisions and I'm helping you because I want to. Don't think of yourself as that because you're more than what you think you are El. remember that. okay?" she said and I gave her a smile and nodded.

"let's just eat already!" Macy said and we laughed as we talked about everything. After eating, we went to malls and did some Christmas shopping.

We were about to go back to Macy's car when all of a sudden, a guy wearing a pair of glasses appeared in front of us filming the blonde guy who looked really familiar.

"can I kiss you under the mistle toe?" He asked me and I agreed. I wasn't thinking straight because I was shocked and he was good looking! He pecked me on the lip and smiled.

"Happy Holidays!" He said and left giving other girls a kiss under the mistle toe.

"He looked familiar." Macy said and suddenly I let out a big "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

"What?!" Macy was shocked at my sudden reaction.

"He's Elyar Fox! The one I've been watching on youtube? over and over again? Remember?" I told Macy but she didn't remember anything at all.

"I need a picture with him!" I took my phone and went after him but they were nowhere to be found.

"They already went away El. Atleast he kissed you right?" Macy teased me and I giggled with her. He's been my all time crush when I was in college and now HE KISSED ME!

"Let's get you home Ellie. It's a bit late." Macy said and I agreed. I hope I could see him again and this time, I'll make sure to have a picture with him!

Chapter two done and I'm really irritated with the "S" button of my keyboard! It's kind of not working if I won't press it hard. Well atleast it's still working. Please vote for Elyar Fox for MTV Brand new guys and girls!

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