Chapter 22

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After lunch, we went to a place full of shops and markets that sells native products that are hand-made by the amazing people who sells them. I was amazed by the way they make the boat inside the bottle. That's just sick! I lost Elyar on the way so I decided to stop by and see all these people trying. Out of all the people doing the impossible, the curly guy caught my attention. 

"You can do it yourself miss. if you want to." The curly haired guy, doing the impossible boat inside the bottle, must've noticed me watching him and offered me to give it a try.

"well, If it's okay?" I said as I took a seat beside a girl who's doing her own bottle boat thingy.

"where do I start?" I asked him and he started instructing me on how  and where to put it. He was being gentle when putting all the parts together while my hands were all shaky and sweaty. 

After 3o minutes, i think, the boat was finished when the guy made it flat as paper.

"what'd you do that for?" I asked him angrily and he just laughed.

"watch." He said as he slid down the boat inside the bottle and placed it on a piece of wood with glue on it. He blew it a little and gave it to me.

"pull this." he said and I did. When I pulled the hook that was attached to something, my mouth formed a perfect O leaving me breathless.

"did I just-" I was about to say "made one" when he said it for me.

"made one? yeah you sure did. Hi my name's Bradley Simpson. Call me Brad." He said as he offered his hand for me to shake, which I did to be friendly and all.

"Ellie Coleman." I said and he handed me the boat in a bottle I made.

"Consider this as a friendship gift from me." He said but I insisted on paying for it myself, which he didn't accept. he paid for it and I was kind of shy at him for doing that on a stranger like me.

"Li?" I heard Elyar's voice panting, maybe from all the running trying to find me.

"El! I'd like you to meet-" I was about to introduce him to Brad but he just dragged me out of the market.

"Where did you go? I was looking everywhere for you?" He asked a bit pissed but more on worried.

"Well, I lost you in the sea of people in the middle of the market and decided to give this a try! look! I made this!" I energetically said to him as he chuckled despite the heavy breathing.

"really? or did that guy made this for you?" He asked sensing that something was off.

"no. I really did this. trust me. This is my first hand made boat in a bottle." I said and he just laughed and hugged me.

"Well, shopping's not over. we need to buy some cool stuff for our friends and spend the rest of the days for ourselves. yeah?" He said and I agreed. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and buying this and that for our friends and family. We would eat something in between to regain our energy but still, sight-seeing was the best.

"Li?" Elyar called me so I turned around and jumped a bit when he suddenly kissed me and took a picture of us.

"what was that for?" I asked and he showed me his newly uploaded picture of us kissing during sunset.

"that's for taking that long to do your OOTD on instagram." He said as he placed our shopping bags on the floor as we arrived at the beach house.

"There's a bar near here and I heard that there will be a band performing tonight. They're called "The Vamps" I think? I'm not quite sure of they're names but I think they're good. Wanna check it out?" I asked and he agreed. 

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