Chapter 18

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"I've had it with this whole pretending. I just want to end it." He said running his hands through his hair.

"what about you? You told me that you want to say something?" He asked and I was too shocked to answer properly so I came up with a lame lie.

"w-well I wanted to uhmm apologize for my behaviour. That's all." I said and he smiled at me.

"You're not at fault Li." He said and was about to touch me butI didn't let him.

"well. let's just tell the management then." I said as I was about to head for the door when he blocked me.

"why are you stuttering?" He asked and I was getting a bit worried about his actions. Am I that easy to read?

"uhmmm. I was just-" I was about to give another lie when he spoke again.

"why don't look at me?" He asked and this time he's moving forward and I was moving backwards.

"uhhhhm" are the only smart words I could say.

"why are you shaking? why are you avoiding me? why are you mad at me? why are you crying right now?" He said as he grabbed me by the arms that made my tears fall without my consent.

"why?" He whispered and I lost it. I've had enough already. I was frustrated and hurt so I didn't know what to do.

"because I like you! Because for me our relationship wasn't for show! because the i love you's I gave you are real! because the way I hug you, the way I kiss you are all real! they're not for show! they're not for good publicity! they're-" He suddenly pulled me closer towards him and kissed me gently. I got lost in his lips and kissed him back while sniffing because of all the crying. I pulled away first realizing that he was being unreasonable.

"What was that for?" I asked and he cupped my face.

"I want to end all this pretensions because I wanted it to be real. I wanted us to be real. I like you Li. I fell in love with you the moment I kissed you under the mistle toe. I felt thundershocks inside my belly when I kissed you last year. I really really like you Li so I want us to be real." He said but I want to clarify things with him at first.

"then why did you tell me that? last year? when we were driving towards the airport? you told me I'm not your girlfriend that I should just shut up when no one's watching us?" I said and he went to his bed and told me to sit with him.

"remember when you told us that you won't go with us during Christmas eve? well I kind of sneeked out when I had the chance and bought flowers to come and visit your home. When I got there, this lady went out leaving the door open and then I saw you hugging a guy, I assumed it was your ex, and I got hurt. I thought you were back together again and I drank a little bit too much which gave me the worse hangover ever. I didn't want your help at that time because I thought you don't feel the same way and I have to make sure you do before I confess to you. Sylvia told me everything, from why he was there in the first place to why he was hugging you and  then I cursed myself for shouting at you. I was gathering up my courage to tell you all this and now was that time. I'm sorry Li. I just like you. and I was just jealous." He explained and I hugged him right after.

"I will never ever do that. I like you el. I really do." I said and he broke our hug to kiss me once again.

"So are we real from now on?" He asked and I nodded.

"yes. we are." I said and kissed him once again.

I'm his and he's mine. I really love the sound of that!

WAAAAAAAAAAH! they're for real now! I hope you like this short chapter of mine. I'll write the next chapter tomorrow. DON'T FORGET FOXING DAY TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!


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