Chapter 23

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We spent the whole day for ourselves on our last day here in this resort. We ate, we did all sorts of activities like surfing, which I suck at, scuba diving, fish feeding, jet skiing and island hopping. We had so much fun today. There are also people who recognized him and would ask a few pictures and signatures from him and I don't mind at all. They were all nice to me and I appreciated it. I mean, I've been receiving so many hate tweets from his fans and would start ugly rumors about me and Elyar. Well screw them because I really don't care about their opinion.

"do you really want to go there now? I mean, we could just pack our bags and leave right?" Elyar said as I wore my helmet.

"El. We talked about this. Give him a chance already. He's a friend and this is our last day here. We should have some fun. Besides, we won't see him again after this." I tried convincing him but he just sighed and went on the road as slowly as possible.

"El? I appreciate you being all careful and all but, we're causing the major traffic here." I said and he turned around to see motorbikes and cars honking at us.

"Oh. Sorry." He said and drove on a normal speed. I'm thankful that he didn't sped up like yesterday.

"we're here and they're there." He said as Brad and his bandmates approached us.

"Ellie! Glad you could make it." He said as he hugged me and shook El's hand. I hugged the rest of his bandmates too and saw El's face tense.

"It's alright. Calm down okay?" I whispered at him but he just sighed again.

"So are we just going to stand here? or we can go inside and party all night?" Elyar said and I glared at him for being so rude. What's his deal?

"oh. We are going somewhere tonight. It's just a walking distance from here. There's a beach party right there and It's about to start. come on!" Brad said and lead us towards the crowd who seems to have a watergun fight.

"excuse me but you need water guns to enter." The guy selling different kinds of water gun told us and so we bought one for each of us.

"I'll pay." Brad offered but Elyar blocked his hand.

"I'll pay for mine and my girlfriend's okay?" He said as he handed the cash towards the guy. We entered the game and filled our water guns with water provided by the party and started splatting each other's faces. Elyar's becoming more and more into this game and would laugh so hard at me as he hit my ticklish part, which is my neck, and I began laughing like a retarded hyena. He would hug me from the back and splat me with cold water. I took the cap which prevents the water from spilling out and poured it on Elyar's head which means victory for me!

"That's cheating!" He said as he ran towards me to do the same but some guy from the stage caught all of our attention.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome! The vamps!" He said as the boys wandered around the stage doing all sorts of jumping until Brad went to the Microphone and sang their original song, i guess.

 I was walking away,

But she's so beautiful it made me stay

I don't know her name,

But I'm hoping she might feel the same

So here I go again,

She got my heart again!

He's really talented and pretty attractive too. I saw him looking at me, or maybe at the girl behind me, and did a cute wink and let out a pretty cute smile. I would say he would really capture every girl's heart in this crowd. I was jumping and shouting when all of a sudden Elyar pulled me for a kiss, which was out of nowhere. I kissed him back earning a cheeky smile from him without breaking away.

"What was that for?" I said and he just smiled and started jumping and shouting. Well, I did the same and we enjoyed the rest of the night.


When Brad had finished five consecutive songs, He suddenly paused for a while looking very exhausted and said.

"There's this friend of mine who's the same as us. He started his career making covers in youtube and later on became a successful recording artist." He said and everybody looked at our direction knowing that it was Elyar he was referring to.

"Give it up for Elyar Fox! Ladies and Gentlemen!" He said as Elyar went up stage leaving me in the sea of people. 

"Bonjour." He said and the crowd shouted his name for countless of times before he could even introduce himself.

"This is Elyar Fox and I'm going to sing this to all of you! Check it out!" He said as he strummed the guitar Brad has given to him.

Woah uh uh uh uh uh ooh!

This one's for the girls that likes to lose their minds

They hit rewind, and then they lose their minds. EH!

This one's for the girl that keeps me up all night

She's working over time, My heart's working overtime

So hey girl, hey girl Why you hesitate girl?

Cause I gotta see a pretty and it's right by me tonight.. tonight..

Wait girl, wait girl why you complicate girl?

I got money in my pocket and I kinda wanna blow it tonight, tonight..

So if I lose my head tonight

Don't forget to tell the morning light

To wake wake me up up up in time

And do it all over again, do it all over again, do it all over again.

He sang and I jumped and cheered for him. I want to support him all the way. He's much more talented and good looking than that Brad guy though. 

"I LOVE YOU EL!" I shouted not expecting him to hear me.

"I love you to Li." He said and everybody's eyes were on me when he said that before continuing the song.

"We do it all over again! thank you!" He said and was about to exit when everybody shouted "COLOURBLIND! COLOURBLIND! COLOURBLIND!" 

"really? haha! well, I'll sing this for all of you!" He said and started singing. Me on the otherhand went to the side for a cup of fruit punch because my throat dried up due to the shouting and cheering.

"enjoying the party so far?" Bradley said while scooping his own fruit punch.

"yup. it's really fun. I didn't know you were this famous as well." I said and he pretended to be hurt by what I said which made me giggle.

"You haven't heard of the vamps? really?" He asked and I shook my head while laughing.

"that's bad. well the important thing is now you know about us and we're good at it. Well maybe not as good as your loverboy there." He said as he pointed at the stage.

"no offense but for me, he is the best artist of all time. He is Elyar... uh. I'm sorry. I've been talking a lot." I said and he just smiled at me.

"that's fine. He's one lucky lad to have you." He said and walked towards the back stage. I looked at the stage and found out that Elyar was looking at me the whole time. He finished his song and  went backstage for something. I got worried and went towards the backstage. It's a bit difficult to get through this many people but I have to try, I need to try.

AN UPDAAAAAAAAAAAATE! I hope you all like it guys! XD sorry for the errors and please vote for Elyar Fox! :) Elyar's POV up next! :)

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