Chapter 24

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Elyar's POV

"Give me your heart girl I'm not gonna let go, out of the dark gotta love you retro.." I sang so happily that people know me until here. I didn't expect them to know much about me here. I tried looking at Ellie's location but she weren't there. I was searching for her while singing but I failed. It took me a while until I saw her talking with that Bradley guy. That guy really piss the hell out of me. I'm trying to convince myself that they are just friends but deep inside me, I feel like he's up to no good. It's a guy thing you know? I can sense it. I can sense that he fancies Ellie.

"and I'm not colourblind." I ended the song and looked at Ellie who's looking straight at me. I went back stage to give the guitar back.

"Hey!" a familiar yet annoying voice of this Bradley guy shouted across the room where they were resting for their next song number. 

"hey." I said forcing myself to smile, for Ellie. She told me to be good just for today.

"look. I didn't mean to interrupt you two but I just wanted to be friends you know. I met her yesterday and she was pretty amazing." He said and that made my patience bar go zero.

"look pal. she is my girlfriend and I would appreciate it if you stay away from her got it?" I said as rudely as possible as I handed him his guitar.

"hey I'm trying to be nice here." He defended himself but only earned a glare from me. When I turned around, he laughed. What's he's deal?!

"you know what, I want to say something rude too. I wanted to be honest to you, pal." He said as I went closer to him.

"I like Ellie." He said and I nearly punched this asshole for saying this to me. I tried to constrain myself though since we're in a public place.

"I like her but I won't make a move on her because she loves you. She loves you so much El and you should be thankful for that. But if you two broke up, I won't stop myself from taking that opportunity to grab her. My advice, don't let her go." He said as he went inside the room again. I went outside really mad at everything. I get pissed when somebody would bump into me.

When I got out, I saw Ellie waiting for me. 

"That performance was epic. I love it." She said and I grabbed her wrist and went to the other exit to leave. It was around 12 already.

"El..El. ELYAR!" She shouted and I stopped.

"what?!" I shouted back and she backed off a bit.

"What's the problem. you were great on stage but-" She started worrying but that didn't stop me from being really pissed at that Bradley. URGH!

"don't tell me that crap. I know you weren't even listening. You were too busy flirting with that Bradley guy." I said.

"flirting? is that what you call talking right now? Do you really think I'm that kind of girl El?" She said but I only handed her helmet, went on the bike and turned it on.

"I won't get on that bike unless you apologize Elyar." She said and why do I have to apologize? she's the one being all flirty to that curly bastard and I'm supposed to apologize?

"Just get on the bike." I said as calm as possible.

"no." she said and because I was pissed and mad, I said things I would really regret later.

"fine. You have the spare key right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Go back to the beach house yourself." I said and drove off without looking back. I heard her screaming my name but I didn't turn around. I was really pissed at her, at Bradley mostly. I would never ever let her go, I just need some alone time tonight.

I went pass the beach house and had my alone time at a bar on the other side of the road. It was not that crowded and it was more mellow and more quiet than other bars are. I felt calm and a bit comfortable. I drank a little and requested if I could sing a few songs. The management agreed as long as it's not too loud. I sang Skyscraper and Wreckingball as a mashup and I think the people there liked it so I sang a few more mellow songs after that. 

It was I think two and a half hours already since I got here and I went to the beach house to meet with Ellie. I could even apologize to her for the things I've done. When I got there, she was fast asleep on the couch. I felt an awful feeling in my chest. Seeing those dried tears from her face becasue of me. I'm such a jerk. Bradley's right, I shouldn't let her go no matter what. I won't let Bradley take her away from me. Ever.

(I added a bit of lines. sorry!)

So what do you guys think about Elyar's POV? I hope you all liked it! Thanks for reading this! I really appreciated the many reads and votes that I received! Vote for Elyar Fox guys! and see you on the next chapter!

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