Chapter 32

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"and that happened. I don't know if I can do this anymore Brad. I hate seeing Elyar and Taylor being all smooshy all the time when they're in public. I can't even talk to Elyar that easily. I really wanted to forgive him right now but I can't. More issues and then what? your careers will crumble down because of me? I can't take that as well." I said and he just hugged me. Comforting me.

"Shhhh everything's going to be just fine. I won't let anything harm you. Trust me on this. I'll help you on this. I'll help you talk to Elyar okay?" He said and I broke the hug to face him.

"really? you'd do that?" I asked him and he smiled and nodded. He stood up which confused me.

"what? are you coming or not?" He said and my eyes widen with shock.

"you mean right now?" I asked him and he just smiled at me.

"Come on. They're in the studio. No one's there but them and some crew. I'll let you two talk things out." He said and I hurriedly took my jacket off the rack and went inside Bradley's car and drove off. I'm doing what's right and Macy should be proud of me right now. After this, I'll talk with her and make things right. That's what I'm going to do.


When we arrived, Bradley and I ran from stair to stair until we arrived at the studio where Elyar was there. He was waiting for someone. Maybe he knew I was coming! walked towards him and called his name.

"El-" I stopped walking when I saw Taylor running to him and hugged him and.. kissed him. He looked like he enjoyed it and I was hurt by that. I scanned through every corner of the room but no sign of fans or paprazzi or other medias. I took a step back as quietly as possible but my sobs are really annoying and noisy. They heard me and Elyar looked at my way with his eyes wide open.

"Ellie? What are you doing here?" He said and I kept crying and crying. He walked towards me but I took a step back.

"I'm here to tell you that I forgive you El." I told him despite the sobs that have been escaping my mouth.

"I could explain. Just please listen." Elyar said but I didn't. I have no time to listen to his crap.

"Maybe telling you that I forgive you won't matter at all." I said and was about to leave when Elyar grabbed my arm. I shove it off.

"I saw how you enjoyed kissing and hugging her. No camera, no fans, no paparazzi. You're making all this "pretend" act way too serious El. I think breaking up with you was the right thing to do after all. Let's end this all pretending whatsoever and make it all real instead." I said and he cupped both of my arms.

"no please. just let me explain all this please."

"we're through el." I said and walked out of the studio.

I ran and ran crying. I didn't know where else to go. I wasn't sure if Macy would come for me. I don't even know if Bradley would still be looking for me. I'm all alone. I was never this alone. I was always dependent on others, especially Macy. Why am I like this? I don't know what to do? I don't know where to go? I make wrong and awful decisions! I am nothing! I hate myself! 

I kpet on running away and ended up in the park. There weren't any people around so I decided to sit on the swing and cried to myself.

"hey." a familiar voice suddenly spoke. It was Macy.

"what? you're going to tell me "I told you so." or maybe "that's what you get for not listening to me" because I'm a wreck now and I don't need you to tell me I was wrong the whole-" She cuts me off by hugging me tightly. She's hugging me. I cried on her shoulder and hugged her back.

"About a while ago, I'm really sorry. I was kind of upset and I let my emotions run me. In all honesty, I was mad because you had a pretend relationship with Bradley and I don't want you to fall for him. I know i'm being selfish so I don't mind you being with him and-" I cut her off realizing she was rambling impossible thoughts.

"w-wait. wait.. I won't be with him for real. This will only last for about 3 to 4 months and I will pursue my dream as a writer. I will never fall for him. He's just a friend and I don't want you to get hurt as well. You're my best friend. I will never do anything to hurt you. I'm sorry too." I said and hugged her tightly.

"Bestfriends?" I asked her and she nodded.

"bestfriends" She said and we laughed so loud.

"so what's your plan?" She asked me as we moved towards the nearest bench to talk.

"maybe after all this was clear. I'll move to another apartment and won't involve myself in celebrities. I'm done with them, really. but, I don't know If I will ever forget about Elyar. I loved him too much." I said and she hugged me again.

"You'll get through this. I promise. I'll help you." She said and I smiled.

"Let's get something to eat then. I'm starving." I said and went to the nearest restaurant for another two servings of whatever food they have.

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Let's see what will happen next! keep reading to know what they're up to! :) Elyar's POV again is up next! Sorry for the short chapter! but, I have good news for you....THERE WILL BE A BOOK TWO!! YIPEEEEEEE! 

It will be a Bradley Simpson FanFic and you must've guessed his lucky girl but don't mention it. I know I'm soooooooo predictable. :) I hope you guys will like it! I'll start working on it the minute I finished Elyar's. :)

and vote for him.

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