Dad to the Rescue

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The next day, Rhett and I went Halloween shopping. We bought all the necessities for our awesome Halloween Party and went home to decorate. We had a week until Halloween, but it was never too late to decorate.

Placing pumpkins and hanging ghostly things around the house was quite fun with Rhett. We put on a playlist of haunting ghost stories afterwards and listened to them as if they were a new Taylor Swift album.

For dinner, we found ourselves in the kitchen stirring up a pot of spaghetti. I was slowly teaching Rhett how to cook. He was a very quick learner, and very open to try new things. He wasn't afraid of the oven anymore, and as his teacher, I was proud.

"You know Pride," he bagan as he switched of the stove, "I've had the most fun I've had in a while...All because of you."

I laughed, grabbing plates from the cabinet, "Oh really? You think so?"

He looked at me, his eyes wide and smiling, "Absolutely. You are so much fun. Incredible company."

I felt goosebumps rise on my arms. No one ever said anything like that, other than Mel.

"Well, thank you. I'm glad you aren't annoyed by me," I made my way to the table, setting it.

He brought over the food, giving us each a portion of pasta, "Pride, I don't think you understand."

I shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not."

"You're family now. You will annoy me at some point I'm sure, just as much as I annoy you, but...I'll never get tired of you."

I smiled, digging into my food, "Again, thank you."

We ate with a bit of small talk, and cleaned up afterwards. Looking around the house, I noticed the transformation that had occurred since I had been here. I clean everyday, not because I have to, but because it's habit. And I'm pleased with the results.

"Hey, Pride!" Rhett called from the porch. Link had shown up with the mail half an hour ago, and they were still talking.

I rushed out the door, with a smile on my face, "Yes?"

He smiled, handing me a letter, "To you."

I looked down at it, immediately recognizing the handwriting.

"Who's it from?" Link asked with a cheeky grin.

I looked at him, a nervous grin playing on my face, "Um, she's girl from the orphanage. She was my friend while I was there."

Link smile faded, "Oh, I'm sorry...Or...I mean...I..."

I smiled, "It's okay. I'm glad that I get to keep in touch at least."

I glanced up at Rhett, who had a sad smile on his face.

"I'm going to go read this, um, thank you for bringing it Link," I said, waving him goodbye. He smiled, waving back, "Of course."

With that I was in my room, sitting at my desk, reading Melanie's letter.


I'm glad you're life is going great. I'm happy that you're with someone who treats you right and accepts you. It's nice to know that you'll make it in life. After all, you do deserve it. Things aren't so great here. But what can I do? The food gets worse and worse. The kids annoy me more than they ever have. And now there is a new girl in our room. Her name is Hannah. She's quiet and unhappy. I can read her pretty well. She was disowned, I think. She was someone her folks didn't want her to be. It's sad, very sad. But it's life, you know. Anyway, here's my update. It's getting harder and harder to sleep at night. The nightmares are progressing. Becoming more and more violent. It's driving me crazy. Also, I find myself crying more often now. I'm sad, Pride. But, I'll survive. Hopefully. Write me back when you can. Don't let anything break those spirits of yours Precious. Stay happy.

Melanie xx

Looking away from the paper, I wiped away the tears I felt on my cheeks. I couldn't stop reading the line, "I'm sad, Pride. But, I'll survive. Hopefully. "

Those words made me shatter inside, a rush of pure fear and panic overcoming me. What if? was all I could think.

I slowly got out another sheet of paper and wrote her back. Telling her about my encounter with Stacy. I told her about Link. I told her about our Halloween party and anything I could think about. But it was hard, because every time I tried to come up with my next line, I wiped away another tear.

I was almost finished when I heard a knock at the door.

The door was open, so Rhett could see that I was trying to make it seem like I hadn't been crying.

"Oh Pride, is everything alright?" he asked, stepping into the room.

I looked at him, working my best fake smile, "Yeah, just...yeah."

He frowned a bit, taking a seat on the end of my bed, "You can talk to me, Pride."

I nodded, "I know. But I'm fine."

Rhett shook his head, "Stop Pride. Talk to me."

I sighed, "Rhett..."


I looked down at my feet, realizing I had no other choice but to give in, "Fine."

He smiled, patting the bed next to him. I moved to to his side and faced him.

"Melanie, my friend, she's not happy. And I mean, how could you be when you're stuck in an orphanage, but she has these nightmares. Violent nightmares of her parents...and it keeps her up at night. She doesn't talk to anyone and I don't think she's eating. I'm just worried, that's all."

Rhett frowned, running his hand through his hair, "Do you think she'"

"Suicidal?" I finished his sentence.

He nodded, "Um, yeah."

I shrugged, "Um, I don't know but..."

"But what?" he asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know, dad. I just...I'm just worried."

Rhett nodded, understanding, "Maybe I can call them later, and just tell them to keep and eye on her, huh? Would that put you at ease?"

I smiled, thankful for him, "It would help."

He smiled, and pulled me in for a hug, "Then I'll do it. Right now."

I hugged him tight, whispering a thank you into his ear.

Once he was gone, I finished my letter and took it to the mailbox.

Returning to my room, I slipped into my pajamas and went to bed.


Yay! Finally a new chapter! Sorry it's been so long. I just don't want write if I don't feel like it. This is supposed to be fun. And it is.

Thank you all for reading! You're beautiful people!

Also, if you haven't yet, please check out my new Holiday Special book! It's solely Rhett & Link!

If you have a fun idea you'd like me to write about, shoot me a message and I'll see if I can make it happen!

I love you!

Always remember to be your mythical best!

- Robin

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