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The next morning I woke up on the couch. 

I remember laying on Rhett's shoulder last night, watching The Office before bed. I couldn't sleep for a while, so Rhett decided we should watch some TV to get our minds of things. It worked and I fell asleep after the first episode.

Looking around, I couldn't see any sign of Rhett. The house was just the way it was when I went to sleep.

I stood, assuming he was in the bathroom, when I heard the voices outside.

The door was cracked just wide enough for me to get a good look at Rhett and Link sitting on the porch steps. They were turned from me but I could still hear their conversation.

"I should have been there, Link," Rhett said. I could hear the shakiness in his voice. He wanted to cry but he refused.

"It's not your fault, Rhett. You can't blame this on yourself."

Rhett shook his head, "I don't know, babe. It feels like I could have done something to stop it. Like I shouldn't have let him come when I wasn't here."

"Rhett, things happened, okay? It's not your fault. You couldn't stop it."

Link tried to comfort Rhett, but he failed. I watched as Link pulled Rhett into his arms. He kissed his cheek and rubbed circles into his back.

Sadness ran over me. I was upset that Rhett would blame himself for what happened. 

"It's not your fault, Rhett."

They both turned back instantly, looking up at me. Rhett sighed, waving me over. I joined them on the steps, sitting between them.

"I know it's not my fault, Pride. I'm just upset, that's all."

I picked through the stack of mail sitting at Rhett's feet. "Don't be. I'm fine."

Rhett watched as I flipped through each one and finally coming up on a letter from Melanie.

"Thank you for bringing in the mail, Link," I said, happy to hear from Melanie. Link smiled wide, "Of course."

I looked up at Rhett and smiled, "Why don't you invite Link in for a while? This porch isn't the most comfortable." 

He grinned, looking over at Link who was already accepting the invitation. I stood then and went to kitchen. I sat at the table, eagerly awaiting to read Melanie's letter. Rhett and Link followed suit and sat on the couch, engaging in their own talk.

Opening the letter, I was relieved to find Melanie's scratchy handwriting filling the page.

Dear Precious,

I'm giving up. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm so tired of life that I couldn't give two shits if I woke up in the morning. 

I hate my parents, I hate this place, and I hate myself. 

I hope you're well. I just needed to say this. I need to get it off my chest. 

But don't worry about me, okay? I'm fine. I'm well enough to keep going. 

Thank you for letting me talk to you. You're a real friend.


Under the letter, there was a drawing of a Rose. 

The rose was missing all but one petal. The single petal was hanging on for dear life, while the others sat in pieces on the floor.

The rose reminded me of Melanie and that scared me.

Laying the sheet of paper on the table, I looked at Rhett.

"Rhett," I said, "Do me a favor and call the orphanage. I think Melanie's becoming a danger to herself."


Kind of a short chapter but a important one. 

Thanks for reading! Hope you're enjoying these updates!

I love you guys!

Always remember to be your mythical best!


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